英语频道小编Julie整理了英语单词hominid的学习资料,关于hominid是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括hominid的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,hominid的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词hominid相关的信息。 hominid英[ˈhɒmɪnɪd]美[ˈhɑ:mɪnɪd]adj.人科的n.原人,类人动物 网络人;原始人类;人科动物 双语例句更多资料 1 . In 1927, at Chou - k'ou - tien, near Peking, a hominid lower molar of unusual pattern was discovered. 1927年, 在北京附近的周口店发现一颗形状异常的人类下臼齿. 来自辞典例句 2 . Hominid their children, not to worry maid abuse, neglect of school discipline. 原始人自己带孩子, 不用担佣人虐待 、 学校疏于管教. 3 . But attributing a hominid 's bantam size to the so - called island rule was a first. 但是以 所谓 [岛规则]释弗洛瑞斯人的侏儒身材,只是讨论的起点. 4 . As a physical anthropologist, I have studied early hominid bones and reconstructed specimens of our predecessors. 身为体质人类学家, 我曾研究过早期人类及人类祖先的骨头,也曾重建人类祖先的样貌. 5 . The ETI would be to us as we would be to this early hominid — godlike. 这个ETI对我们来说,就如同我们之于这位古早的人类祖先——像上帝一样. 语源late 19th cent.: from modern Latin Hominidae(plural), from Latin homo, homin-man行业释义网络释义 医学1.①人科(Hominidae)的 2.②类人类:尚生存或已灭绝的人或类人 -hominid1 . 人 homing 返回性hominid人hominy 玉米渣 2 . 原始人类 ...然本性和形体结构。数百万年后,他们进化成了完全不同的属,人类学家们称之为“人”(Homo)【1】或“原始人类”(hominid)——这个词源自拉丁语的“人”。与其说是这类有脑的生物“发明”了工具,还不如说正是脑、其他结构特征和工. 3 . 人科动物 鬣齿兽属 Hyaenodon人科动物 hominid食草动物 herbivore 相关词条+hominid fossils1 . 原始人类化石 by substituting the thousands of eyes of Bossa volunteers around the world for the exhausting labor of a small team on site in Ethiopia , the new project could revolutionize the gathering of hominid fossils .通过Bossa志愿者数以千计的眼睛为埃塞俄比亚的一个小团队网站提供协作,新项目将从根本上改变了 +since hominids1 . 自人类 John Thorbjarnarson knew he could not end men's fear of crocodilians , hard-wired since hominids first ventured down from the trees into swamps that seethed with them .约翰?瑟布贾纳森知道,自人类首次冒险从树上直接落入鳄鱼渲腾的沼泽中以来,他不可能终结人们对鳄鱼的恐惧。 +hominid site1 . 人地点 preliminary u-series dating of southern branch cave of maba hominid site马坝人地点南支洞铀系定年初步结果 +Maba hominid1 . 马坝人 this paper reports the U-series dating results of calcites and mammalian fossils from Southern Branch Cave of Maba hominid site .报道马坝人地点南支洞次生碳酸盐岩和骨化石样的铀系年代。 |