英语频道小编Anna整理了英语单词hexahedron的学习资料,关于hexahedron是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括hexahedron的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,hexahedron的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词hexahedron相关的信息。 hexahedron英[ˌheksəˈhi:drən]美[ˌheksə'hi:drən]n.六面体网络六面体;六方体 词形变化: 复数:hexahedrons 复数:hexahedra 派生词:hexahedral 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . We can now use tetrahedron and hexahedron elements in three - dimensional stress analysis. 我们现在在三维应力分析中采用四面体单元和六面体单元. 来自辞典例句 2 . Characteristics: white glossy hexahedron crystal or white crystalline powder. 特性: 白色有光泽六面体结晶或白色结晶性粉末. 3 . Isoparametric element of arbitrary hexahedron plays an important role in element analysis. 内容摘要等参数任意六面体单元在有限元分析中有着重要的作用. 4 . Body - fitted hexahedron grid was obtained of high speed train head surface based on mapping approach. 利用映射法生成高速列车头部流场的六面体贴体网格. 5 . Novel air conditioned hexahedron cab having wide horizon, damping seal driving comfort and good look. 整机造型美观,更具时代感,新颖的弧型六面体空调驾驶室,视野开阔, 密封性能好. 同义词 cube 语源late 16th cent.: from Greek hexaedron, neuter (used as a noun) of hexaedrossix-faced行业释义网络释义 地质学1.六面体 数学1.六面体 -hexahedron1 . 六面体 ... . . .四面体是我们在1991年传递给你们的第一个复杂的信息hexahedron(六面体) :6 squares=EARTH六面体:6个正方体=土. 2 . 六方体 hexagonal system 六角系hexahedron六方体hexode 六极管 相关词条+hexahedron block1 . 六方料 design of the die for forming the hexahedron block by a single drawing ., 六方料一次拉拔成型模设计. +diameter hexahedron1 . 六面直径 belfry tower built , 2.7 meters in diameter hexahedron big bell point of time playing " Dongfanghong " music , bell melodious music , stretching several kilometers .塔顶建有钟楼,六面直径2.7米的大钟,整点报时演奏《东方红》乐曲,钟声悠扬悦耳,绵延数公里。 +hexahedron press1 . 六面顶压机 this dissertation take the artificial diamond hexahedron press synthesizes PDC as the experimental object , has researched and developed measure system of PDC temperature field .本文以生产金刚石复合片的人造金刚石六面顶压机为对象,研制了金刚石复合片温度场测量系统。 +parallel hexahedron1 . 平行六面体 从三维空间来看,空间格子可以划出一个最小重复单位,那就是平行六面体(parallel hexahedron)(图1-10)。实际晶体结构中所划分出的这样的相应的单位,称为晶胞(unit cell)。 |