英语频道小编Bess整理了英语单词hermeneutic的学习资料,关于hermeneutic是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括hermeneutic的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,hermeneutic的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词hermeneutic相关的信息。 hermeneutic英[ˌhɜ:məˈnju:tɪk]美[ˌhɜ:rməˈnju:tɪk]adj.解释的n.解释学,圣经注解学 网络解释的;圣经注解学;阐释性;诠释性 双语例句更多资料 1 . The origins of hermeneutic thought are traced through Western literature. 在解释学思想的起源已追查到西方文学. 2 . The phenomenology - hermeneutic consider that the understanding role of teachers is open state. 教师在与学生的互动中所理解、创生的角色是最根本的教师角色. 3 . Hermeneutic circle is a central thesis of hermeneutics. 解释学循环是解释学的核心问题. 4 . Reader ocalized, through textual theory and introspection interpreter explores hermeneutic c of suspicion. 阐释的意向性借助文本理论,反思层面,直指意义可望不可及的“希望之乡”. 5 . The phenomenology - hermeneutic consider that the understanding role of teachers is a wide - open state. 现象学—解释学认为教师理解者角色是一种敞开的状态. 语源late 17th cent.: from Greek hermēneutikos, from hermēneueininterpret网络释义 -hermeneutic1 . 解释的 hermaphroditism 雌雄同体性hermeneutic解释的hermeneutics 诠释学 2 . 圣经注解学 a. 语汇的,字辞注解的 glossarial a. 解释的;n. 解释学,圣经注解学 hermeneuticn. 注解,批评,评论;v. 批评,注解 comment分解解释. 3 . 阐释性 on hermeneutictranslation of chinese classics ., 古典名著的阐释性翻译. 4 . 诠释性 hermeneutic寓言阐释, hermeneutic诠释性, hermeneutic训诂学 相关词条+double hermeneutics1 . 双重释义双重诠释 double hermeneutics 双重释义双重诠释double image 双像double inheritance 双重遗传性double innervation 双重神经支配double interpretation illusion 双重译释错觉double. +hermeneutical circle1 . 阐释的循环 我们因此陷入了一种阐释的循环(hermeneutical circle)。一方面,我们要从浩瀚的历史材料中发现某种规律、现象、特点。 +philosophical hermeneutics1 . 哲学诠释学 understanding music in the contex of philosophical hermeneutics ., 哲学诠释学语境中的音乐理解. +Critical hermeneutics1 . 批判诠释学 Criteria 准则Critical hermeneutics 批判诠释学Critical realism 批判现实主义 |