2023-12-07A Letter to Urge Prompt SettlementDear Sirs,We have received your letter of the 17th July with thanks.We received payments of $275 on the 2nd July, an...
2023-12-07A Reply to a Customers Request for an Extension of PaymentDear Sirs,Thank you for your check for US3 500. The balance remaining on your account is now...
2023-12-07A Letter to Demand the Payment of Overdue AccountDear Sirs,We have received your letter of March 2 with thanks.As requested, we are enclosing a fresh ...
2023-12-07有效地使用措辞,不仅仅要使用正确的语法,还应该有一些特殊的语句,比如直接的和含蓄的。Denotation是指字典上直接给出的意思,而Connotation是指除了字典意义外,词语暗含的意思。To use words effectively, one should not only be concer...
2023-12-07On letterhead stationery, the dateline is simply made up of the date of writing. Three points about date writing should be kept in mind. First, use th...
2023-12-07Appropriate choice of words in business wiring plays a vital part in achieving the writer's anticipated effect. The diction you choose should ther...
2023-12-07商务交流总的来说可以分为言语交流(verbal communication)和非言语交流(nonverbal communication),这两者在使用时无论对个人还是组织都是很重要的。People in business communicate in various ways: face-to-f...
写辞职信也要小心 Letter of Resignation
2023-12-07Keep Your Letter of Resignation Simple Writing a letter of resignation might be an unpleasant task, but there"s really not that much to it. In it...
商务书信写作的十点注意事项 注意这样的错误
2023-12-07商业信函有其自身的特点。下面是商务书信写作中的几点注意事项,小心不要在你自己的工作中出现这样的错误。 1.切忌主客不分或模糊。例子: Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report was updated to include $40,000...
2023-12-07范文1 介绍经营业务 ——————————: 台布 我们从我驻巴基斯坦使馆商务参赞处得悉贵公司的名称和地址,现借此机会与你方通信,意在建立友好业务关系。 我们是一家国营公司,专门经...