
  • 1976年7月18日之前,没有运动员在奥运会体操项目中获得过满分。但这一天,14岁的罗马尼亚女子体操运动员纳迪亚·科马内奇用自己完美的表现征服了场上的所有裁判,赢得了10分的满分。但这还远远没有结束,高低杠、平衡木以及个人全能比赛中,她连获了7个满分。在世界体育界引起了轰动,成为国际体...

  • A man watches between Fu Niu Leles, the official mascot of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, during a launching ceremony at the foot of the Great Wal...

  • Official Mascot of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games unveiledMen stand near Fu Niu Lele, the official mascot of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, as ...

  • 北京奥组委在本周三宣布,经过6所首都高校、数百名专家学者近一年的精心打造,北京奥运会通用培训系列教材将正式出版发行。 Primary school students are curious about the books and cannot wait to read them.A set of t...

  • 20世纪30年代初,伯格曼作为德国著名的女子田径运动员,为备战1936在柏林举行的奥运会做着准备。纳粹掌权后,她和其他犹太选手却被告知不能参加任何比赛。与此同时,美国开展了联合抵制奥运会的行动,纳粹迫于舆论压力和美国方面的威胁,只得同意她加入国奥队。虽然伯格曼在跳高项目中跳出了5.3米的德国纪录,但...

  • 1. Asking about Training Sites询问训练场地 A: Where can we train before the competition? 赛前可以在哪里训练? B: Besides the competition hall, there are six arenas fo...

  • B: Here are the five copies of the program, 25 ID cards and bibs. 这是贵队的5份赛程表、25张身份卡和号码布。 A: Please let me know where to put the large bib and where to...

  • 1. Ankle Injury脚踝受伤 A: Doctor! 医生! B: What is the matter? 你怎么了? A: I sprained my ankle. It's killing me! 我扭伤了脚踝,好痛啊! B: Where exactly does it hurt...

  • The concert begins at 8 o'clock. 音乐会8点开始。A: Can we book tickets for the concert this evening?A:我们可以预订今晚音乐会的票吗?B: Yes, no problem. How many tickets...

  • What other colours do you have? 你还有其他颜色的吗?A: I like that handbag. I like the style.A:我喜欢这件手提包。我喜欢它的款式。B: How about the colour? Do you like orange?B:颜色...

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