2023-12-07I’d like to see the Opening Ceremony on the 8th of August.我想看8月8日的开幕式。A Most of all, I’d like to see the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics ...
2023-12-07Do you think there’s a chance of getting tickets?你认为有机会买到门票吗?A The basketball will be very popular.A 排球比赛将非常受欢迎。B Yes, I’d love to see it....
2023-12-07I’d rather go to the badminton.我宁愿去看羽毛球比赛。A How about the tennis? We could try and get some tickets.A 网球比赛怎么样?我们可以试试买几张票。B I think I prefer badm...
2023-12-07It’s in Chaoyang Park.在朝阳公园举行。A I’d like to see the beach volleyball.A 我想看沙滩排球比赛。B Yes, it’s in Chaoyang Park. B 哦,沙滩排球在朝阳公园举行。A The...
2023-12-07The final is in the national stadium in Beijing.决赛将在北京国家体育场举行。A Is the Olympic football in Tianjin and Shanghai?A 奥运会足球赛在天津和上海举行吗?B Only some of the m...
2023-12-07There are Olympic events outside Beijing. 在北京以外的城市也有奥运比赛。 A There are also lots of Olympic events outside Beijing. A 也有很多奥运项目在北京以外的城市举行。 B That might ...
2023-12-07Everywhere will be crowded and busy.到处都将非常拥挤、热闹。A Maybe this summer will be a good time to go somewhere else in China.A 也许这个夏季会是到中国别的地方看看的好时候。B Why? I...
2023-12-07I hope I can get tickets.我希望我能买到票。A I’m going to try and get tickets for the boxing.A 我想法买到拳击比赛的门票。B I love boxing. Which venue is it on?B 我热爱拳击...
2023-12-07You can watch it for free.你可以免费观看奥运比赛。A It’s so difficult to get Olympic tickets.A 买奥运会的门票非常难。B I know. But remember – there’s one e...
2023-12-07You need a good translation.你需要好的译本。A I’d like to buy some Chinese poetry – translated into English.A 我想买一些汉语诗歌——翻译成英语的汉语诗歌。B ...