2023-12-11从小到大兼职和打零工的经历,是我所受教育中至关重要的一部分。这些工作具有某种坐在教室里根本体会不到的真实感。它们帮助我学到了职业道德的重要性、学会了独立,也使我认识到,现实世界中的许多工作场所有多么艰苦。The part-time and temporary jobs I had while gro...
2024-03-22美国前总统尼克松侄孙德文•尼克松(Devon Nixon)解释他来中国念MBA的原因自从我来到中国,作为一名美国MBA学生就读中欧国际工商学院(Ceibs)全日制课程以来,每当与新认识的人交谈时,不管是中国的同学也好,还是其他在中国的“老外”,往往以如下问题开始:“为什么来中国?为什么来...
2023-12-11Tips for making it through the tough times渡过困难时期的小贴士You're lucky. You work from home. You're your own boss and you answer to no one but yourse...
2023-12-11Accountants and auditors look at many different types of numbers to record the success or failure of a company but the two most important things are w...
对话:Sponsorships 赞助
2023-12-1124EN Editor's Note:We all know that marketing is one of the most essential areas of business. No matter how good your product is, if no one knows ...
2023-12-111. I want a package deal including airfare and hotel. 我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。2. I'd like to change this ticket to the first class. 我想把这张票换成头等车。3. I'...
2024-02-271) The worst thing that can happen to a company is bankruptcy. That is when the company loses all of its money and has to close its doors. 对于一个公司来说,能够...
Dressing for Business商务着装
2024-03-16Did you see the way that Brian came to work yesterday? Ever since he came back from that conference in Silicon Valley, he's been coming to work dr...
2023-12-11I can't miss the ten o'clock train. I'm going to Beijing on business.I'm sure it's with the boss again this time.Nothing is more s...
2023-12-11爱思英语编者按:美国联邦政府近日推出了"旧车换现金计划"(Cash for Clunkers),这项计划旨在鼓励车主将耗油量大、废气污染严重的旧车,换成更节能的新款汽车,一方面扶持本国汽车制造业,另一方面兼顾环保。美国联邦政府近日推出了"旧车换现金计划"(Ca...