
  • 开始和终止工作怎么说?下面这些话你可以参考哦!Commencement 开始雇佣关系 I'm impressed with your background. You're hired. 你的背景令我印象深刻,你被聘用了。 You can begin employment next M...

  • 工作天天做,可是你知道怎样用英语来询问别人的工作或者描述自己的工作吗? 询问任职公司: ?Which company do you work for?你在哪个公司工作? ?Who do you work for?你为谁工作? ?Where do you work?你在哪里工作? ?典型的回答是: ?...

  • 1. I got fired. 我被炒鱿鱼了。2. I got the boot. 我被开除了。3. I got the axe. 我被开除了。4. I got sacked. / I got the sack. 我被开除了。5. They kicked me out. 他们把我踢出来了。(他们把我...

  • 参加面试时经常会被问到问题,不过范围基本上是固定的,知道以下这些问题,你应对面试会绰绰有余!Q: How do you rate yourself as a professional?作为一个专业人士,你怎样评价你自己?A: With my strong knowledge of computers...

  • 应聘外企,英语面试是少不了的。看看下面的对话,对你准备面试会有帮助哦! (I:Interviewer面试者A:Applicant求职者)教育背景:简明扼要,实话实说尽管你在简历中对自己的教育背景作了介绍,但在面试时,面试官还有可能就此方面提问。还是事先做点准备吧。1、I: What is your ...

  • 在Mr. Rudy的指导下,Lisa对面试做好了充分的准备。这天,她来进行面试……Lisa arrived at Mr. Johnson Liu's office at 2:40 the next afternoon. She found that he was expecting her....

  • A:I came in answer to your advertisement for a salesperson.E:I see. Will you walk this way, please?E:What experience have you had?A:I'm afraid I h...

  • 你是否在为面试忐忑不安呢?让Mr. Rudy来教你如何准备面试吧。Lisa received a letter from IBG one week later. It informed her she had an interview with the company's executive...

  • 如今跳槽已是一个很普遍的现象,原因是多种多样的。应征者当被问及跳槽的原因时要把握住一点,那就是你要说出现在应聘的这个公司能为你提供原公司不能提供的方面,包括个人发展(development)、机会(opportunity)、工作环境(working environment)等等。BASIC EXPR...

  • Q: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it. (你能在两分钟...

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