2023-12-06To avoid landing in a position that's not for you, here are 12 pieces of advice to consider about the job hunting process before you accept your f...
2023-12-06To avoid landing in a position that's not for you, here are 12 pieces of advice to consider about the job hunting process before you accept your f...
2023-12-06To avoid landing in a position that's not for you, here are 12 pieces of advice to consider about the job hunting process before you accept your f...
2023-12-06工作差不多占用了你一生三分之一的时间,所以工作开心是非常重要的。你的工作环境让你快乐吗?快来测试一下吧!I just read a fascinating book, The Levity Effect, by Adrian Gostick and Scott Christopher. It&rsq...
2023-12-06Creative, talented, brilliant. You would be thrilled if your boss used any of these words to describe you. But how about nice? Consider it for a momen...
2023-12-06除了在工作中要有底线,还要抓住机会、勇于表达自己的观点,并且,该直接的时候一定要直接一点。Speak up.勇于表达自己的观点If you find that other people often present an idea you had but didn't vocalize (th...
2023-12-06在工作中,太善解人意可不是什么好事,最后你会发现你会被自己的善心所带来的工作压死的。另外,自信也很重要,对自己有信心,别人才能对你有信心。Avoid being overly empathetic.不要过于善解人意There's another reason nice people take...
2023-12-06一句精彩的引用可以让你的面试加分不少哦!下面是一些从电影中选出来的经典语录,你面试的时候不妨引用一下。不过首先还是要记住应该察言观色,在合适的时候说出来。1、There is no certainty, only opportunity.” V for Vendetta (2005) &...
2023-12-06Roy Leighton asks you to imagine yourself at work. Everything's going well until a certain person comes in. You know who we're talking about -...
2023-12-06While I’ve often talked about the importance of being aware of your posture at the table, I am giving hand placement its own section in order to...