2023-12-06Are you at a disadvantage at work simply because of your vocabulary?你是否仅仅因为措辞不当而在职场身处劣势?Melody Wilding, who coaches high-achieving, ambitious women to...
2023-12-061. Can I Manage This Person?A supervisor isn't going to hire someone that he doesn't believe he can work with. Managers come in all shapes and...
30岁时需要领会的10条工作建议 下
2023-12-06How to have a difficult conversation. Whether it's asking your co-worker to turn down their music, telling your boss you're quitting or lettin...
30岁时需要领会的10条工作建议 上
2023-12-06How to talk to people much more senior than you. It's pretty common to be intimidated by company higher-ups or industry experts when you're ju...
2023-12-06Be effective and deliver results (37pc)Be optimistic and enthusiastic (31pc)Be trustworthy enough to keep secrets or listen to worries (30pc)Display i...
看看下面的诀窍 让简历大放光彩
2023-12-061. Enhance your contact information.Put simply: hiring managers are busy; make their job easier by hyperlinking your email address so that you're ...
想成为自信演讲达人 不妨试试这三步
2023-12-061. Prepare.While preparing for my speech, I was at a loss about what I should say. Hall of Fame speaker Patricia Fripp later asked me, "If you co...
若想留住好员工 避免以下八种做法
2023-12-06They make a lot of stupid rules.Companies need to have rules -- that's a given -- but they don't have to be shortsighted and lazy attempts at ...
面试时一些出人意料的问题 下
2023-12-06What is your five-year plan?When interviewers ask this question, they want to know if you will last at the company.Picture where your career is going....
面试时一些出人意料的问题 上
2023-12-06What are you proud to have accomplished at your last job?This question gives the interviewer the opportunity to learn your strengths. Simply saying: &...