
  • You never really hear the truth from your subordinates until after 10 in the evening.晚上十点以后你才能从下属那儿听到些真话。Success is not defined by obtaining everythin...

  • Are you kidding me? 跟我开玩笑啊?Back in a moment! 马上回来!Come to the point! 有话直说!Do I have to? 我一定要做吗?Don't count on me! 别指望我!Don't get me wrong! 你搞错...

  • 佩尼洛普•特伦克(Penelope Trunk)对风险有些了解。作为一位全国知名的专栏作家,特伦克在博客中自揭私生活的隐密细节,这让商界震惊不已。当时,很多人都怀疑这是否是明智之举,不过她的博客却大受欢迎,最终吸引了3万多名注册用户。Penelope Trunk knows someth...

  • Finding Balance Between Work and Life在工作和生活中间找到平衡After the illness, then death, of a close family friend within a much too short six week period of ti...

  • Always buying clothes but never have anything to wear? Step by step instructions on how to develop a wardrobe。买了很多衣服,在穿的时候却不知道该穿什么?本篇文章中,我们会一步一步教你怎样打造...

  • 爱思英语编者按:你也许为了掩饰一些个人特征而转变穿衣风格:比如,30岁传20岁的衣服,或者下了班就赶紧换下工作服。但的确在某些场合,要求你必须穿对合时宜的服装。有时候我们不得不相信,穿什么,就是什么。面试时——衣着根据工作性质有稍许差别,但一套经典的、剪裁得体的衬衫加短裙绝不会出错。如果是创意性强的...

  • 爱思英语编者按:职场妈妈最关心哪些问题?上周四公布的一项英国调查显示,她们最关心的是弹性工作时间、在家办公的机会以及遇到急事或学校假期能否脱得开身。这项调查由“职场妈妈“专业招聘咨询网站(workingmums.co.uk)开展,共有1677名受访者参与。调查结果显示,尽管眼下就业形势严峻,在衰退时...

  • 陈豪(C)在北京的ABC美国公司工作,他在走廊上遇到了美国同事Amy(A)。C:Amy, 你有两分钟时间吗?我有点事儿想请教你。A:Yes, but let's step into my office so we don't disturb anyone else. What is ...

  • Polished, Professional Looks专业而漂亮的穿着Getting dressed for the office doesn't mean leaving your personal style behind. Find out which looks give you ...

  • The Pros and Cons of Junk Mail: 垃圾邮件的好处和坏处Pros (good things)1) Bulk mail pours in so you always have something to read.2) Free paper you can use to cl...

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