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To: All members of staff, Northern Branch

From: K.J.L

Date: 5 December 2004

Subject: Personal Computers

The board urgently requires feedback on our experience with PCs in Northern Branch. I need to know, for our report:

1.What you personally use your PC for and your reasons for doing this. If you are doing work that was formerly done by other staff, please justify this.

2.What software you use. Please name the programs.

3.How many hours per day you spend actually using it.

4.How your PC has not come up to your expectations.

5.What unanticipated uses you have found for your PC, that others may want to share.

Pleas fax this information directly to me by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, 7 December.

If you have any queries, please contact my assistant, Jane Simmonds, who will be visiting you on Tuesday, 6 December. Thank you for your help.
