Typical signals of nervousness Hands in pockets 手放在口袋里 Increased blinking of the eyes 眨眼次数过多; Failure to make eye contact害怕眼神的接触; Licking and biting of the lips 舔嘴唇和史嘴唇; Finger tapping 敲叩手指; Fast,jerky gestures 手势又急又快; Cracking voices 粗哑的声音 Increased rate of speech 讲话速度加快; Clearing of the throat 清嗓子; Buttocks clamped tightly together 臀部崩得紧紧的; The way to over come nervousness is breathe in deep and breathe out slowly for some times. 克服紧张的办法是调匀呼吸,深吸气,慢呼出。
Keynote speech A Keynote speech is to outline the subjects to be addressed by other speakers at an event,and to establish the tone of a meeting or program. 基调发言也称主题演讲,目的就是限定一个集会上其他演讲者演讲的主题,奠定一个会议或活动的基调。基调发言也直接关系到确立大会的感情基调。#p# Eye contact 眼神交流 Move your eyes slowly from person to person, and pause two or three seconds with each listener; 眼睛慢慢地从一个移动到另一个人,在每一个人身上停留两到三秒钟时间; Look at people straight or look at the bridge of their noses or chins; 眼睛直视听众,或看着他们的鼻梁或下巴 Look for the friendlier faces and smile at them one by one, then move on to the more skeptical members and smile at them one by one also; 找到那些看起来比较友善的听众,逐次朝他们微笑;然后目标转向那些有些怀疑的听众,也逐渐朝他们微笑; Imagine the audience in bathrobes in case you are nervous. 如果你感到紧张,不妨想象听众都穿着浴衣的样子。 How to communicate with the audience 怎样与听众交流 A message worth communicating; 要有值得交流的观点; Gain the listeners' atention: capture their interest and build their trust; 引起听众的注意:抓住他们的兴趣并赢得信任; Emphasize understanding; 重视理解; Obtain their feedback; 获得反馈; Watch your emotional tone; 注意声调要有感情; Persuade the audience; 说服听众; HOW to dress Dark colored suits or dresses; 穿深色西装; Red ties or scarves; 空朴素的白衬衫或上衣; Black shoes,freshly polished; 戴红色的领带或丝巾; Very little jewelry -worn discreetly; 穿刚刚擦亮的黑色鞋子; Calm,slow gestures and slow movements; 尽量不戴首饰,要戴的话要非常小心; Shoulders back,chin up. 挺胸抬头。 |