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In this conversation, Douglas Winters, head of Customer Relations for a large department store, is discussing some customer issues with Howard Mendell, a staff member.
Douglas: I called you in because I’ve been hearing about too many customer complaints recently, even from some of our most loyal customers. What do you know about this, Howard?

Howard: We’ve had a lot of problems with certain items from a new manufacturer. We’ve handled it according to the store policy of giving a refund or an exchange. Feedback from our staff indicates some customers think our quality control is lax.

Douglas: From their point of view, they’re right! It’s not our fault, of course, but what are we doing about it? Has there been any follow-up on this issue?

Howard: We’ve contacted Purchasing, and they’re dealing with the manufacturer right now.

Douglas: That’s not good enough! If we’ve had that many complaints, let’s get the products taken off the shelves until the manufacturer cleans up their act.

Howard: Alright. I’ll talk to the department manager about it. Shouldn’t be a problem, but it’ll probably take them a day or two to restock the empty space.

Douglas: That’s okay. Let’s be pro-active with the customers who bought those products.Send them a discount coupon for their next store purchase. And let’s touch bases with our other recent customers to make sure that they’re satisfied with our customer policies.

Howard: I’ll get on it right away.

Douglas: OK.Thanks, Howard. #p#


在以下的一段对话中,Douglas Winters是一家百货公司的客户服务部经理,他正在和他的一名属下Howard Mendell讨论一些客户事宜:

Douglas: 我把你叫进来是因为最近我听到不少顾客对我们工作的抱怨,甚至有一些是从我们最忠实的顾客那里传来的。Howard,你是怎么看的?

Howard: 我们从一个新厂商那儿进的一些货确实有一些问题。我们已经根据公司政策进行了合理的退换。从我们职员那里得来的反馈也表明顾客认为我们对商品质量把关不严。

Douglas: 从顾客的立场来想,顾客是没有错的。当然这也不是我们的错。问题是,接下来我们在做了什么了吗?

Howard: 我们已经联络采购部,他们也正在和供应商讨论相关事宜。


Howard: 好的。我会和采购部经理商讨此事。这应该没有问题,不过要把空下来的货架装上货还得花一两天。


Howard: 我马上去办。

