
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情


2023-12-07 08:18:57 15

1 bar code 条形码

2 bulk cargo 散装货;统装货

3 bulky cargo (体大质轻的)泡货

4 bulky parcel 大宗包裹

5 color assortment 颜色搭配

6 country of origin 原产地国

7 customary packing习惯包装

8 equal assortment 平均搭配

9 flexible container 集装包/袋

10 gunny bag 麻袋

11 iron drum 铁桶

12 lot number 批号

13 metric ton 公吨

14 open-top container 开顶式集装箱

15 state-of-the-art 最先进的

16 gross weight 毛重

17 net weight 净重

18 indicative marks指示性标志

19 shipping marks 装运标志;唛头

20 warning marks 警告性标志

21 neutral packing 中性包装

22 nude cargo 裸装货

23 packing list 装箱单

24 paper bag 纸袋

25 long ton 长吨

26 short ton 短吨

27 seller's usual packing 卖方习惯包装

28 size assortment 尺寸搭配

29 trade mark 商标#p#


1 ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival 估计到达时间

2 ETD: Estimated Time of Departure 估计离开时间

3 Secure the vessel 弄到船只

4 Cargo capacity 载货能力

5 Charter party 租船合同

6 Air waybill 空运提单

7 Carrying vessel 运货船

8 Direct steamer 直达船

9 Dock receipt 码头收据

10 Document of title 产权单证

11 Freight prepaid 运费已付

12 Freight to collect 运费到付

13 General cargo vessel 杂货船

14 Negotiable instrument 可流通/转让票据

15 Sailing schedule 船期表

16 Sailing date 启航日期

17 Shortlanded memo 短卸单

18 Take delivery of 取货

19 Make delivery of 发货

20 Dispatch money 速谴费,快装费

21 Freight ton 运费吨

22 Measurement ton 尺码吨

23 Weight ton 重量吨

24 Weight memo 重量单

25 Ocean transportation 海洋运输

26 Full container load: FCL 整箱货

27 Less than container load: LCL 拼箱货

28 Bill of lading: B/L 海运提单

29 Partial / part shipment 分批装运

30 Port of destination 目的港

31 Port of shipment 装货港

32 Shipping advice 已装船通知

33 Shipping order 装船通知单,装货/运单

34 Shipping space 舱位

35 Storage cost/charges 仓储费

36 Time charter 定期租船

37 Voyage charter 定程租船

38 Time of shipment 装运/船期#p#


1 aggregate amount 总价/金额

2 L/C amendment advice 信用证修改通知书

3 accepting bank 承兑行

4 days of grace 宽限期

5 expiry date 失效期

6 extension of the L/C 信用证展期

7 operative instrument 有效票据

8 waiver of legal rights 放弃合法权利

9 banking/bank charges 银行手续费

10 cash against documents 凭单付现/款

11 cash against documents on arrival of goods 货到后凭单付现/款

12 conversion rate 兑换率

13 exchange rate 外汇率

14 financing of projects项目融资

15 fine bank bill 有信用的银行汇票

16 first class bill 信誉好的汇票

17 foreign exchange: forex 外汇

18 protest for non-payment 拒付证书

19 protest note 拒付通知书

20 finance a project 为项目提供资金

21 honor a draft 承兑汇票

22 dishonor a draft 拒付汇票

23 protect a draft 备妥货款以支付汇票

24 clean shipped on board bill of lading 清洁的已装船提单

25 opening / issuing bank 信用证开证行

26 correspondent bank 往来行

27 advising/notifying bank 通知行

28 blank endorsement 空白背书

29 more or less clause 溢短装条款

30 bona fide holder 善意真诚持有人

31 accompanying documents 随附单据

32 time/usance L/C 远期信用证

33 without recourse 无追索权

34 mail transfer: M/T 信汇

35 telegraphic transfer: T/T 电汇

36 demand draft: D/D 票汇

37 debit note 索款通知书

38 D/P after sight 远期付款交单

39 financial standing财务状况

40 status inquiry资信调查#p#


1 short-open (信用证)少开

2 arbitration body 仲裁机构

3 arbitration clause 仲裁条款

4 breach of the contract 违反合同;违约

5 color deviation 色差

6 compulsory arbitration 强制性仲裁

7 faulty goods/packing 有毛病的货物/包装

8 force majeure 不可抗力

9 legal action 诉讼

10 non-conformity of quality 质量不符

11 non-performance of the contract 不履行合同

12 settlement of claims 理赔

13 shoddy goods 次货

14 voluntary arbitration 自愿仲裁

15 slip up 出错

16 wear and tear 磨损;损耗

17 customs examination 海关检查

18 fair average quality: FAQ 中等品,大路货

19 commodity inspection bureau: 商品检验局


1 confirming house 保付商行

2 opportune moment 恰当时机

3 please ignore this letter 不必复函

4 authorized agent 指定代理人

5 channel of distribution 销售渠道

6 del credere agency 保付代理

7 exclusive distribution总经销

8 exclusive / sole agency 独家代理

9 exclusive sales 包销

10 exclusive sales agreement 包销协议,独家经销协议

11 general agency 总代理,一般代理

12 forwarding agent: forwarder 货运代理,运输代理商

13 procurement authorization: P/A 采购授权书

14 salesmen's traveling and entertainment expenses 销售员旅费及交际费

15 volume discount 总购量折扣

16 trade volume 贸易额;交易额

17 volume of business 营业/交易额

18 advertising agency 广告公司

19 advertising agent 广告代理商/人

20 agency commission 代理佣金

21 annual turnover 年营业额,年成交量

22 buying agent 采购代理商/人

23 commission house 佣金商行

24 insurance agent 保险代理商/人

25 sales room 拍卖场,售货处
