
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情


2023-12-07 08:18:50 1

1. How to begin your letter?

Thank you for your payment of&n

    bsp;$327.80 for your recent order of books from Oceanic Press. 

    Thank you for your credit transfer for $1327.80 in payment of our invoice.

    We have received your check for $327.80 in payment of our July statement.

    2. How to praise the customer for prompt payment?

    Our bank advised us today that your transfer of $3327.80 was credited to our account. Thank you for prompt payment.

    Starting from this month, we'll deduct 3% from your monthly bill each time you pay.

    3. How to end your letter?

    We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to serving you again.

    Thank you for paying so promptly, and we hope to serve you again soon.

    We welcome your next order and hope that you will contact us whenever we can help you.



    1. Response To Prompt Payment

    Dear ____________:

    Thank you for your payment of our July statement.

    We are pleased to inform you that, starting with this month (August), we'll deduct 3% from your monthly bill each time you pay by the 15th. This favor is a reward to you for prompt payment of your monthly bill during the year you've been our customer.

    Thank you again for your cooperation.

    Best regards,


2. Response to Partial Payment

    Dear _________:

    Thank you for your partial payment of $500.00. This leaves only $480.50, which will be due in 30 days.

    We look forward to receiving your second payment before July 15 and having you as an open-account customer again.




    3. Response to Over Payment

    Dear ___________:

    Thank you for your payment of our July statement.

    As you will probably remember, we offer a 3% discount to customers who pay their statement within 10 days. Your check #458723 for $1650.00 was received within 10 days, therefore, you are entitled to a discount of $49.50.

    We have credited your account for the amount of the discount, and the credit will be reflected on your next month's statement.

    Sincerely yours,





    1. Tell the customer the payment has been received and express your thanks.

    2. If the payment is prompt and correct, acknowledge it and specify any reward if available.

    3. If it is a partial payment, express your anticipation for a second payment.

    4. If there is any error in the payment, specify the amount and suggest a solution.
