
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情



一、 Put the following sentences into English:

1 我是一名主修国际贸易的学生,将于今年六月份毕业,我希望应聘你方刊登在今天《上海时报》上的销售助理一职。

2 我曾在大学主修国际贸易,并且有这方面的工作经验,所以我相信我能胜任你方在二月十五日的《中国周报》上招聘的营销主管一职。

3 贵公司是否能为一位受过良好的会计业务培训并愿意从事数据处理工作的年轻人提供一个职位。

4 我很希望有机会与您讨论这一职位,并亲自向您说明我能为贵公司做些什么。我可否下星期给您打电话以确定一个对您方便的时间与您会面?

5 十分感谢您昨天面试我,讨论我所应聘的贵公司销售代理一职。

6 得知上海进出口公司录用我为销售代表,我十分高兴。对我来讲这是一个极好的机会,我接受此工作。

7 得知贵公司目前没有职位空缺,我自然有些失望,但我希望您能记住我的申请,以备将来贵公司需要我这种资历的人。


1 As a student in International Trade and a prospective June graduate, I should very much like to be considered for the position of sales assistant that you have advertised in today’s Shanghai Times.

2 Because of my college education in International Trade and my work experience, I believe I can be the marketing executive for whom you advertised in China Weekly of February 15.

3 Is there a place in your organization for a young man who is thoroughly trained in accounting and who is eager to work in data processing?

4 I would welcome the opportunity of discussing this position with you and to indicate more personally what I can contribute to your company. May I call you next week to determine the most convenient time for such a discussion?

5 Thank you for allowing me to meet with you yesterday and discuss the position of sales representative at your company.

6 I am happy to learn that Shanghai Import & Export Corporation wants me as a sales representative for the company. This is a splendid opportunity and I am glad to accept it.

7 Although I am naturally disappointed that you have no vacancy at present, I should very much like to be kept in mind in case you should later need a person of my qualification.

二、 Write an application according to the following information:



收信人:Wang Hai
ABC Import & Export
2819 Jinlin Road,
Shanghai 200002,

发信人:Zhang Hong
Shanghai University of Engineering Science
350 Xianxia Road,
Shanghai 200336,


1) 对你方3月21日在Shanghai Times报上招聘外贸经理的广告很感兴趣,了解到贵公司是国营的大型进出口公司,经营多种办公设备,年利润在2000万元以上,是很有发展潜力的大公司。
2) 对贵公司仰慕已久,对其管理体制很欣赏。
3) 是上海工程技术大学四年级学生,今年七月毕业。所学专业为国际贸易;有扎实的专业知识,良好的计算机技能;通过大学英语六级统考;有良好的商务谈判技能,能直接用英语于外国人做生意。
4) 是中共党员,能吃苦耐劳;具有良好的与人沟通的能力以及较好的协调管理技能。
5) 随函附上中英文简历;期望有机会到贵公司面试。


Shanghai University of Engineering Science
350 Xianxia Road
Shanghai 200336

29 March 2004

Mr Wang Hai
ABC Import & Export
2819 Jinlin Road
Shanghai 200002

Dear Mr Wang

I would like to apply for the position of Foreign Trade Manager you advertised in Shanghai Times of March 21. Enclosed are copies of my resume in Chinese and English.

You are a large state-owned corporation with an annual profit of over RMB20 million, handling various office equipment. You enjoy great growth potential and have a fine management system.

I major in International Trade and will graduate this July. With solid trading and computer skills, language abilities (CET-6) and excellent business negotiation capabilities in English, I believe I am well qualified for this post.

A Party member, I enjoy challenges, communications and co-ordinations.

I hope you will consider me for an interview.

Sincerely yours

Zhang Hong (Ms)

Enclosed: Resume in Chinese and English 
