使用没有性别区分的语言对于某些作者而言似乎是没有必要的,但是,如果一概使用男性化的代名词则会给读者留下这样的印象,即认为女性不包括在作者所指的群体当中。虽然有人会反驳说男性化的代名词"he" 和"his"同时指代男性和女性,但是读者而非作者完全会产生上述的印象。因为很多读者读到男性化的代名词时会认为仅指男性,所以,作者可能是不经意地创造了这种错误的印象。 基于经验得来的重要方法就是避免使用具有性别特征的用语;只是在必须使用名词才能完成句子的情况下,可以使用"他或她"("he or she")作为替代。多数情况下可以重写一个句子避免使用具有性别特征的名词。下面将介绍三种方法。第一种是最理想的。不要使用“他们”代替他和她,“他们”应该只是在指称复数的情况下才使用。这里的每一个规则都提供了一个避免使用具有性别特征用语的方法。 1、重写一个句子避免使用任何名词 通常可以用"the" 或"a"代替该名词。 Incorrect: A good judge takes their job very seriously. Undesirable:A good judge takes his or her job very seriously. Better: A good judge takes the job very seriously. OR A good judge takes judging very seriously. Incorrect: A defendant should not be required to sacrifice their constitutional right to a fair trial for the sole benefit of allowing televised coverage of their trial. Better: A defendant should not be required to sacrifice his or her constitutional right to a fair trial for the sole benefit of allowing televised coverage of his or her trial. Best: A defendant should not be required to sacrifice the constitutional right to a fair trial for the sole benefit of allowing televised coverage of the trial. 2. 如果必要的话,使用"one"代替"he or she"或"his or her"。但是,如果可能的话,也应该避免使用这一表达,因为"one"这个词用起来并不容易。 不理想的: A person who masters the basic rules of grammar, punctuation, and good writing is likely to impress his or her supervisors. 较理想的: One who masters the basic rules of grammar, punctuation, and good writing is likely to impress one’’s supervisors. 3 如果必要的话,将主语由单数改为复数。如果你所指的并非一个明确的个体而是一类个体,你可以使用一个复数的主语,这样就可以避免使用具有性别特征的名词,同时还可以避免不正确地使用“他们”("their")这个名词。 Incorrect: A teacher must communicate clearly with their students. Also Incorrect: A teacher must communicate clearly with her students. Better: A teacher must communicate clearly with his or her students. Best: Teachers must communicate clearly with their students. 4、避免使用"s/he"作为名词正确的替代。有人提议采用"s/he"代替"he or she.",但是"s/he"并非一个单词,而且也不容易读。(能将之读为"she"或"s 斜线he"吗?哪个读音可取?) Incorrect: The successful lawyer will shepardize all cases cited in a memo. S/he also will avoid quoting from headnotes. Correct: Successful lawyers will shepardize all cases cited in a memo. They also will avoid quoting from headnotes. 5、如果可能的话,避免使用具有性别特征的名称 差的选择 Chairman Congressman Policeman Stewardess, Steward 相对应较好的选择 Chair, chairperson, leader Member of Congress, Representative Officer, police officer, police official Flight attendant 6、正确使用"Ms." 和 "Mrs."。如果你知道一个人将自己称作"Mrs." 或"Miss,",你应该尊重别人的这种称呼。但是,如果你不知道该人的偏好,则你应使用"Ms."。不应该要求女性通过对"Mrs." 或"Miss,"的使用表明自己的婚否。同样,使用"Mr."指称一位男性时也并不表明他的婚否。虽然"Ms."实际上并非一个较长术语的缩写,但是人们已经接受了在这个术语后面加一个点。 不好的: Mrs. Hillary Clinton; Mrs. Clinton; Ms. Clinton 更不好的: Mrs. William J. Clinton 较好的表达: Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ms. Rodham Clinton 7、正确使用姓氏。如果一位女性选择使用她的婚前姓氏而不是婚后姓氏,或者同时使用她的婚前姓氏和婚后姓氏(不管有无连字符),你应该尊重她的这种称呼。同时,如果一个人使用了包含父母姓氏的复姓,则你应该尊重她的这种称呼。 Justice Ruth Ginsburg; Justice Sandra O’’Connor 较好的(明智的)表达: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg; Justice Sandra Day O’’Connor 不好的: Christian Dinneen; Christian Long; Mr. Dinneen; Mr. Long 较好的表达: Christian Dinneen-Long; Mr. Dinneen-Long |