
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情



1. 仁和宾馆                   Benevolence  hotel

2. 上海圣达大酒店             Shanghai shengda hotel

3. 上海鑫龙酒店               Prosperous dragon's hotels of Shanghai

4. 上海申华商务大酒店         Shanghai explains the commercial hotel of China

5. 上海长航宾馆               Long boat hotel of Shanghai

6. 上海一百假日酒店           100 holiday inns in Shanghai

7. 上海新世纪大厦酒店公寓     Apartment of mansion hotel in the new century of Shanghai

8. 上海沪江宾馆               River hotel of Shanghai of Shanghai

9. 上海华盈沪纺大酒店         China of Shanghai is full of Shanghai and spin the hotel

10. 上海民航华茂宾馆          Luxuriant hotel of China of civil aviation of Shanghai


1. 杭州流水苑宾馆             Flowing water garden hotel of Hangzhou

2. 浙江饭店                   Hotel of Zhejiang

3. 浙江嘉海大酒店             Good sea hotel of Zhejiang

4. 临平大酒店                 Face the flat hotel

5. 杭州宏冠大酒店             Hangzhou precededs in the hotel greatly

6. 杭州龙禧大酒店             Xi hotel of dragon of Hangzhou

7. 杭州中亚旅馆               Hangzhou Central Asia hotel

8. 杭州商业大厦             Hangzhou Commercial Center

9. 杭州凯悦大酒店           Triumphant happy hotel of Hangzhou

10. 杭州百合花酒店          Lily hotels of Hangzhou
