
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情



1. 龙口明珠大酒店      Pearl hotel of Longkou

2. 荣威大酒店          Majestic hotel of the honour

3. 广州金桥宾馆        Money bridge hotel of Guangzhou

4. 广州惠福大酒店      Favor good fortune hotel of Guangzhou

5. 湖天宾馆            Lake day hotel

6. 东方丝绸大厦        Eastern silk mansion

7. 广州富丽华大酒店    Rich hotel of China of Guangzhou

8. 广州民航大酒店      Hotel of civil aviation of Guangzhou

9. 白云鸿波山庄        Swan's wave mountain villa of white cloud

10. 华威达酒店         China reaches hotels majestically


1 .桂林零点大酒店      Zero point hotel of Gui Lin

2. 桂林天鹅宾馆        Hotel of swan of Gui Lin

3. 南宁明园饭店        Bright garden hotel of Nanning

4. 桂山大酒店          Mountain hotel of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

5. 香江饭店           Hotel of HongKong

6. 桂林丹桂大酒店     Orange osmanthus hotel of Gui Lin

7. 中旅大酒店         China travels in the hotel

8. 桂林观光酒店       Visit hotels in Gui Lin

9. 乐满地度假酒店     Resort hotel happily and fully

10. 新凯悦酒店        New triumphant happy hotels


1. 富丽华大酒店       Rich hotel of China

2. 荔珠国际大酒店     International hotel of litch and pearl

3. 石林大酒店         Stone forest hotel

4. 香格里拉大饭店     Giant hotel of Shangri-la
