
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情


2023-12-07 08:17:56 12
Rewrite each sentence, starting with the words given, so that it means the same as the sentence on the left

1. Six out of seven of the world's largest corporations use IBM computers. (IBM computers...)

2. We enclose payment together with our order. (Payment...)

3. We will send the report as soon as it has been completed. (The report...)

4. The customer should receive the delivery by Friday. (The delivery...)

5. They may have notified him before the invoice arrived. (He...)

Look at the following sentences which might be found in a report. Why do you think the passive forms are used in these sentences? Would you like to receice letters or to read reports written like this?

1. It is suggested that the coffee machines should be installed so that the maximum time can be used for more productive work.

2. It is felt that Mr Brown is too old to continue in his present position.

3. It is regretted that the board of directors failed to inform the shareholders of the risks of investing in South Africa.

Look at this text. Why do you think the passive is used here?

First the wood is sawn into medium-sized pieces. Then it is transported to the machine shop where it is shaped and formed to make the charcteristic table and chair legs. These are then smoothed and painted, before being packed into appropriate packages for onward shipment to the suppliers....
