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Detailed Guide to BEC 2 Introduction


Practice Test Papers in Business English 2 is accompanied by a tape and a Teachers' Guide containing the answer key and tapescripts. Please note that these materials, which can be obtained separately, are useful additions but may not be essential in certain cases. For example, if you are studying in a class or group, your instructor will probably have the accompanying tape and guide or be able to correct your work.

This chapter gives worked examples of the questions contained in BEC 2. it shows the correct answers to the questions and includes useful notes and advice where appropriate. In the actual test itself, you will have to mark the letters of the correct answers on your Answer Sheet. In this book of practice tests, however, you may either write the correct letter on a separate sheet of paper or draw a small circle round the correct letter in the book. If you decide to mark the book in this way, it is advisable for you to use a pencil so that you can change your answers if you want to.
