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Organizing a News Conferencefor New Products 产品新闻发布会

2023-12-07 08:17:29 1
791.I need you to arrange a news conference for tomorrow at 2: 30 to introduce our latest product.


792.I'll call my contacts at the papers, magazines, radio and TV stations and inform them of the conference.


793.Do not disclose the specifics of the project.


794.We want to leave some. room for speculation.


795.Is the stage set up like I asked?


796.Yes, and the seating arrangement is in order.


797.I think we are ready.


798.I just want to thank you for coming today.


799.We have an exciting new product to tell you about.


800.I've told you all about our exciting new project.


801.I'll open the floor to answer any questions you might have.


802.What makes your new product stand out above the other products in its market?


803.I'm glad you asked that.


804.I will not answer that question.


805.It is not relevant.


806.That's about all the time I have to answer questions right now.


807.Can I Can I ask one more question?


808.I really appreciate your interest.


809.Why don't you put it in wnting?


810.I will call you and answer it over the phone.


Dialogue A

(A: Mr. Hart, the manager; B: Miss Janet; R: reporters)

A: Janet, I need you to arrange a news conference for tomorrow at 2: 30 p. m. to introduce our latest product.

B: OK, Mr. Hart. I'll call my contacts at the papers, magazines, radio and TV stations and inform them of the conference.

A: Very well, be sure to give them enough information to make them curious. But do not disclose the specifics of the project.

B: Of course, we want to leave some room for speculation.

A: Yes, our new product has been kept secret for a long period of time.

B: OK, Mr. Hayt, those product samples are ready to make their media debut.

A: Great, is the stage set up like I asked?

B: Yes, and the seating arrangement is in order.

A: I think we are ready.

Dialogue B

A: Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all, I just want to thank you for coming today. We have an exciting new product to tell you about…(the voice for introducing the product)

R: Mr. Hart's doing a great job of giving the media plenty of information.

A: Now that I've told you all about our exciting new project, I'll open the floor to answer any questions you might have.

R: Mr. Hart, what makes your new product stand out above the other products in its market?

A: I'm glad you asked that. For one thing, our product was developed by the nation's leading scientists and has been tested for more than two years.

R: Mr. Hart, I was told that one of your customers had got a strange illness after using your product. Is that true?

A: Absolutely not. That is a vicious rumor and I will not answer that question. It is not relevant.

R: Mr. Hart, I have some more questions for you.

A: Ms. Jones, I am afraid I can only answer one more question. Go ahead.

* * * *

A: Well, Ladies and gentlemen, that's about all the time I have to answer questions right now. But again, I want to thank you all for your time and interest.

R: Mr. Hart, can I ask one more question?

A: I really appreciate your interest. But I think the time is not allowing me to have more questions. Why don't you put it in writing? I will call you and answer it over the phone. Thank you all very much.

Notes 注释

1.I need you to=I want you to 我要你去做……。


如: I need you to mail this letter for me.


2.do not disclose 不要透露

3.the specifics 细节

4.leave some room for speculation 保留猜测的余地

5.product sample 产品样品

6.Is it like I asked?按我的要求做好了吗?

7.in order就绪

8.plenty of很多;大量该短语后接可数或不可数名词。

9.now that 意思是“既然已经”

如: Now that we know each other, we should get together for lunch some time.


10.open the floor=open the floor for questions作“欢迎提问或欢迎参现”讲。在记者招待会或演讲结束前经常要留点时间来回答听众的提问。

11.stand out 突出

12.Absolutely not.绝对没有这回事。

我们还可以说: It's not true 这并非事实。或It's groundless. 此事毫无根据。

13.vicious rumor 恶毒的谣言

Words and Expressions

curious/'kju+ri+s/                          a. 好奇心强的;不可思议的

disclose/dis'kl+uz/                         v. 透露

speculation/spekju'leiM+n/              n. 猜测

specific/spi'sifik/                           a. 详细

news conference                          记者招待会

media debut                                 与媒体的首次接触

absolutely/'$bs+lju: tli/                    ad. 绝对地

appreciate/+'pri: Mieit/                    v. 感激
