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How to Take Initiative at Work: having more fun at work

We all know that we should take better care of ourselves, relax more, and have more fun at work (and elsewhere1, as well1), but it's easy to overlook the opportunities to do just that because of the daily work priorities that consume2 our lives. Here are some ideas for learning to take action in your work life: Get healthy. Regular exercise will not only make your mind and body stronger but also help rid you of the frustration3 that occurs as the natural by-product4 of many employee interactions5 at work. Eat right, too, especially at lunch or when you're on the road6.

Take a break. When you take a break, you give your brain a much? needed chance to relax, and you allow yourself time to recharge your batteries7. When you take a break, really take a break. Get away from the office for a while and avoid interruptions or, at the very least8, close your door and turn off your phone.

Have fun. About a third of our time is spent at work. If you're not having fun, why bother going? Sure, the money is important, but so is how you live your life while at work. Fun should be a central part of the relationships you share with others both at work and off the job.

Manage your schedule. If you don't manage your own schedule, there's a good chance that someone else will be happy to manage it for you. Buy a quality personal planner or calendar and use it!

Be an optimist. Don't automatically9 assume anything negative10 about anybody. Instead, look for the good in everyone you meet and in everything that you do. You'll be amazed at how much better your coworkers will feel about themselves when you are there to lift11 their spirits.








1.elsewhere adv.在别处,到别处

2.consume vt.消耗,花费

3.frustration n.失望,失意

4.by-product n.附带产生的结果

5.interaction n.相互作用




9.automatically adv.不经思考地

10.negative adj.否定的

11.lift vt.鼓舞
