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The First Ministerial Meeting of China-Pacific Island Countr

2023-12-07 08:16:59 6
In order to promote the development of China-Pacific Island Countries Trade and Economic relations, the First Ministerial Meeting of China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development & Cooperation Forum opened in Nadi, Fiji on April 5, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of PRC and Ministry of Foreign Affairs & External Trade of Fiji.

China and Pacific Island Countries attached much importance to the Forum, Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of PR China, attended the opening ceremony of the Forum and gave a speech. Laisenia Qarase, Prime Minister of Fiji, Michael Somare, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinean and President of the Pacific Islands Forum, delivered speeches at the Forum. Leaders and Ministers from Pacific Island countries like Ham Lini, Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu, Joseph Urusemal, President of the Federated States of Micronesia, Fred Sevele, Prime Minister of Tonga, Cook Islands Prime Minister Jim Marurai, and Young Vivian, Premier of Niue, and representatives from Australia and New Zealand and more than 300 entrepreneurs from China and the countries participated the Forum.

At the opening ceremony, Bo Xilai, Minister of Commerce of China, and government representatives from Cook Islands, Fiji, Micronesia, Niue, Papua New Guinean, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu signed the Guiding Framework on China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation.

The Guiding Framework put forward that China and Pacific Island Countries had their own characteristics in economic development and agreed to build up the trade and economic cooperation partnership on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, taking advantages of each other's strengths and mutual respect and trust. All parties believed that China and Pacific Island Countries faced with both challenges and opportunities in the process of economic globalization, to establish China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development & Cooperation Forum would be beneficial to the common cooperation in trade and investment. The Guiding Framework made arrangements of cooperation in areas of trade, investment, agriculture, tourism, transportation, financing, engineering and infrastructure construction, natural resources and human resources. In the future, China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development & Cooperation Forum will be held every four years and the second Forum will be held in Beijing.

Mr. Bo Xilai held a reception in the afternoon on April 5 for leaders and ministers from Pacific Island countries coming to the Forum. Mr. Bo Xilai said in his speech that Chinese government highly stressed the development of relations between China and Pacific Island Countries, and would like to do essential works for people of the Island. China has a big population and huge market, and cherishes a batch of advanced technologies in manufacture, on the other hand, Pacific Island Countries have abundant natural resources and tourism resources. China will encourage domestic enterprises to invest in the Island countries with technologies to assist the transformation of resources advantages into economic advantages
