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Mr. Bo Xilai on Commercial Work

At the National Working Conference on Commerce, Mr. Bo Xilai gave a working report on behalf of the Party Group of the Ministry of Commerce. He pointed out that under the right guidance of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, aims of various commercial works were realized: Foreign trade exceeded US$1.4 trillion, up by 23.2% and contributing one third to the economic growth; Actual use of FDI were US$60.3 billion and about 44 thousand foreign investment enterprises were newly approved, structure of foreign investment was improved obviously; Overseas investment reached US$6.9 billion, up by 26%, overseas project contracting and labor service cooperation increased with a high speed; Total retail sales of consumer goods hit RMB6.7 trillion, up by 12.9%, total sales value of production material were RMB14.2 trillion, up by 16.2%. Besides, foreign aid made obvious achievements, market economic order was further regulated and IPR protection deeply developed.

Mr. Bo Xilai pointed out that focusing on the overall situation of development of national economic and social development, the Ministry attached importance to the following works in 2005:

1, Transformed the growth mode of foreign trade, properly dealt with trade frictions, especially textile trade friction, which won a bigger increase space and steady trade environment for domestic enterprises.

2, Promoted progresses in bilateral trade and economic relations and regional economic cooperation, actively took part in Doha Negotiation.

3, Optimized structure of foreign investment utilization, led foreign investors to set up R&D center, to invest central China, west and northeast of China, expand the opening up in service trade areas like distribution, construction and maintenance.

4, Expedited the strategy of "Going Global", drafted a series of instructive documents, set up a special fund for foreign economic cooperation, built up an overseas security precaution mechanism and emergency mechanism.

5, Enhanced work of domestic trade, and strategy of "Ten Thousand Village" completely initiated.

Regarding to new task and target of commercial work during the period of Eleventh Five-Year Planning, Mr. Bo Xilai said that domestic and international situation not only provided beneficial environment but also many new challenges for us during the period. Therefore, we should keep pace with the times, plan well with international and domestic markets and resources as a whole, implement the open-up strategy with mutual benefit and win-win, endeavor to enlarge consumption and realize the rapid and better development of Chinese commercial career under the guidance of scientific outlook on development and aiming at promoting harmonious society and world.

Mr. Bo Xilai pointed out that main task and aim of commercial work in the coming 5 years are: a unified and open domestic market will basically form, growth mode of foreign trade will transform obviously, quality of foreign investment will be improved obviously, "Going Global" strategy will realize leapfrog development, overseas economic relations will be in a coordinated situation, regulated and high-efficiency commercial work mechanism will operate smoothly and successfully.

Regarding to commercial work in 2006, Mr. Bo Xilai said that 2006 was the starting year of the Eleventh Five-Year Planning, key work we should do is to handle well the relations between domestic and foreign demand and completely take advantages of functions of two final demands, which are export and consumption. As For domestic trade, we should develop modern distribution and promote expansion of consumption, for foreign trade, we should transform the growth mode and push forward basic balance of trade, for foreign investment, we should enhance industrial and regional guidance, and leading power in technology, industry and economy in China, for "Going Global" strategy, we should not only speed up the development but also attach importance to improvement of quality and risks precaution, meanwhile, we should also actively improve external environment, protect the interests of industries and enterprises.

Bo Xilai said that we should break through the traditional idea of commercial work, put forward a series of new measures and push forward steady and all-round development of various commercial business, should go on implementing "Ten Thousand Villages" strategy, serve the strategy of rise of central China, expedite the establishment of proprietary brand, build up a batch of major and big wholesales market of agricultural products in the nation and foster relative distribution enterprises and cooperation organizations to drive up the establishment of national distribution system of agricultural products, should endeavor to initiate strategy of Revitalizing Trade Through Science and Technology, innovate foreign economic cooperation, lead and help enterprises to "Go out", set up commercial information system, build up IPR Protection network, enhance the law enforcement of IPR and do utmost to train new commercial talents.

At the end, Mr. Bo Xilai stressed and pointed out that the commercial work in 2006 would be a new jumping-off point, we should improve the level of opening up, strongly enhance construction of market system and contribute more to national economic development and establishment of harmonious society and world with guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents
