
: 英语巴士网行业英语外贸英语行业英语内容详情



1. We inform you that we shall on the first February remove to a more convenient office at 7 5th Ave., New York.

2. I inform you that I have this day removed to 10, Itchome, Yurakucho, where all communications should in future be addressed.

3. I inform you that I have removed to more convenient premises, situated at the above address.

4. Please take note that we have recently removed to the above address.

5. Notice is hereby given that we have removed to the address above mentioned.

6. Notice of Change of Address: Kindly change my office address on your records from the Chiyoda Building to The Mitsuya Building, No. 3, Honcho, Nihonbashi, chuo-ku, Tokyo.

7. Change of Address: On and after the 6th January, 19—— the office of Messrs. Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co., Ltd., at 8, Nichome, Marunouchi, tokyo will be closed and all communications addressed to this firm in future should be made to No.1 - C, Yamashitacho, Yokohama.

8. Taking this opportunity afforded by the issue of the first price-list, I inform you of my removal to the present address almost in the business centre of Osaka.

9. I inform you that I have now removed my office to the above address, the old premises having proved inadequate to cope with the ever-increasing demand made upon me by my numerous clients.

10. As my new factory is situated in close proximity to the Railway Goods Station, I can despatch goods more promptly and accurately, as well as in best possible style.

11. I inform you that in consequence of the increase of my business. I have been obliged to occupy larger premises, and that I have moved my office to 1, Nichome, Marunouchi, Tokyo.

12. On and after February 1, my address will be: 38-39, Marunouchi Building, Tokyo. at which address I shall be pleased to give your orders my best attention.

13. For any delay which unavoidably occurred during the last few weeks, by reason of the removal and alterations, I express my sincere regret.

14. I take the liberty of informing you that I have returned to P., and I send you my present address, as above.

15. We inform you that we have decided to discontinue our B. Street Warehouse, and respectfully ask you to address all communications, on and after this date, to……

16. We inform you that we shall on the 30th May remove to more convenient offices at……

17. I inform you that I have this day removed to……, where all communications should in future be addressed.

18. We inform you that we have removed from N. Street to more convenient and commodious premises, situated at the above address.

19. Owing to the expiration of our lease and the acquisition of the site by the L.C.C. for street widening purposes, we have removed to the above address, immediately in the rear of our late promises.

20. We inform you that we have removed the offices of this company from 10S. St. to more central premises at the above address, to which all communications should in future be addressed.




















