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Corporations can achieve short term financing through a bills facility, however for long term financing the best method is for them to issue a bond in their own name. The government, whether on a state or provincial level issues bonds to finance large construction and development projects. Corporations and many other types of companies issue bonds for expansion, asset purchases, mergers and acquisitions, etc. A bond is a promise to repay borrowed money in addition to paying interest on specified dates and is issued for a period of more than a year. These interest payments are called coupons and are usually paid semi annually or annually? There are many types of bonds, the most common of which are fixed rate bonds and floating rate notes (FRNs). Fixed rate bonds pay a pre-determined coupon and FRNs pay coupons at a premium above the bank's fixed deposit rate. Bonds that do not pay interest are called zero coupon bonds. This type of bond is rare, as the entire risk to investors is concentrated at the maturity date where the principal becomes payable. 公司通过汇票获得短期贷款,但是要获取长期贷款的话,最好的方法是以他们的名义发行债券。政府,不管是州级或省级政府,通过发行债券为大型建设和发展项目筹集资金。有限公司和其他类型的公司发行债券则是为了扩大规模、购置资产、合并和买进等。债券是对在规定日期偿还所借的钱并付利息的承诺,发行期限在一年以上。这些支付的利息叫做息票,通常半年或一年支付一次。债券有多种,最常见的有固定利率债券和浮动利率债券(FRN)。固定利率债券支付预决息票,浮动利率债券根据银行存款利率贴水支付息票。不付息的债券叫做零息债券。这种债券很少见,因为投资者的全部风险都集中在债券到期日,即付本金的时候。
