Bank can provide various collection services both inside and outside the country. Upon receiving, the fund can be transferred to foreign exchange deposit, or be withdrawn in cash or be remitted abroad in line with the regulations. If you want to maneuver foreign exchange fund from other places because of job relocation or inhabitance registration transition, Bank can offer you the inter-city collection of deposit . If you have foreign currency notes, bills of exchange and checks, you can consign a business office of Bank to handle collection or discount. If you own personal property (such as bank deposits, safe-deposit boxes, house property, stocks, bonds and etc.) or legally inherited property abroad, bank can handle property inheritance and property collection procedures for you according to relevant proofs provided. 银行能为您办理境内境外多种形式的托收业务,款项收妥后可转存外汇储蓄存款,也可按规定支取外币现钞或汇出境外使用。 如您因工作调动或户口迁移需要从异地调度外汇款项时,银行可为您办理储蓄存款异地托收业务。 如您持有外币本票、汇票及支票等,可委托银行的营业网点办理托收或贴现。 如您拥有私人在境外的财产(如银行存款、保险箱、房产、股金和债券等)或合法继承的境外财产,银行可根据您提供的有关证明材料,为其办理财产继承及财产托收手续。 |