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International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织

The International Monetary Fund, which began active exchange operations on 1 March 1947, had, by 31 December 1970, concluded exchange transactions with 77 of its members. These countries purchased US and Canadian dollars, pounds sterling, Deutsche mark, Belgian and French francs, Australian dollars, Mexican pesos, Argentine pesos, Italian lire, Danish and Norwegian kroner, Swedish kronor, Japanese yen, Austrian schillings, Spanish pesetas, Netherlands guilders, Finnish mark, Irish pounds, South African rand, Brazilian cruzeiros, Venezuelan bolivars and Malaysian ringgits, aggregating $22008 million, in exchange for an equivalent amount of their own currencies. Total repayments for the period from 1 March 1947 to 31 December 1970 amounted to $ 11312 million.


An amendment to the Fund's Articles of Agreement establishing a new facility based on Special Drawing Right(SDR) entered into force on 28 July 1969, and on 1 January 1970 SDR 3414 million were allocated to 104 participants in the Fund's Special Drawing Account. A second allocation of SDR 2949 million, was made on 1 January 1971, to 109 participants. With the advent of the SDR's, the Fund has been able to supplement the existing reverse assets of participating members.


As of 31 December 1970, assets of the Fund included, in round figures, $ 4934.9 million in gold, $ 24485.9 million in various national currencies and $217.8 million in subscriptions receivable. Total quotas were $28433 million. The subscriptions of members are equal to their quotas. Each member must pay in gold 25 per cent of its subscription or 10 per cent of its net official gold and dollar holdings, whichever is less. The balance is paid in the member's own currency.

