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2007年3月7日 英国人热衷创业


Enthusiasm for entrepreneurship last year helped the UK to buck the trend for falls in the number of start-ups in the world's richest countries, an international survey has found.

《全球创业观察》(Global Entrepreneurship Monitor)发现,在美国,创业者占成年人口的比例从12.4%降至10%,加拿大从9.3%降至7.1%,法国则从5.4%降至4.4%。《全球创业观察》是全球最全面的有关早期创业活动的研究报告。

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the most comprehensive study of early-stage start-up activity, found the proportion of adults creating businesses dropped from 12.4 per cent to 10 per cent in the US, 9.3 per cent to 7.1 per cent in Canada and 5.4 per cent to 4.4 per cent in France.


In the UK, however, the decline - from 6.2 per cent to 5.8 per cent - was considered statistically insignificant.

《全球创业观察》报告作者、伦敦商学院(London Business School)的丽贝卡o哈丁(Rebecca Harding)表示,在英国有一股创业热潮,人们甚至将其称为"新型摇滚"。

There is a buzz about entrepreneurship in the UK that has led some to call it the new rock'n'roll, according to Rebecca Harding, the GEM report's author at London Business School.


The proportion of adults starting businesses in the UK is higher than other European countries al- though it remains less than in north America or emerging economies, such as China and India.


"I don't think we are rocking and rolling as much as we need to, but we have more rocking and rolling going on than many other countries," Ms Harding said.


Young people are enthusiastic about entrepreneurship. Although most start-ups are created by people aged between 35 and 44, more than 64 per cent of 18- to 24-year-olds think entrepreneurship is a good career choice and 80 per cent think that entrepreneurs have a high status in society.


Fear of failure has long held back would-be British entrepreneurs, according to Ms Harding. But GEM found such concerns could be unfounded.


The proportion of people running established businesses in the UK is 93 per cent of the start-up rate, showing that most ventures survive.


In the US, there are barely half as many established companies as there are start-up businesses.

英国小企业联合会(Federation of Small Businesses)的西蒙o布里奥特(Simon Briault)表示,阻碍创业活动的主要障碍是政府繁杂的手续,而非市场不确定性。他表示:"由于需要另外考虑薪资、税收、医疗、安全和聘用规定等问题,人们害怕聘用人才。"

Simon Briault, of the Federation of Small Businesses, said red tape rather than market uncertainties was the main barrier to enterprise. "There is a fear of employing people because of the extra considerations about payroll, tax, health and safety and employment rules," he said.


UK entrepreneurs do not seem to fear innovation. GEM found that they were about as likely to use a technology that was less than a year old as people in the US.


Women are half as likely as men to be involved in start-ups in the UK - a wider gender gap than in the US and Germany.


But GEM found female entrepreneurship was reasonably constant in most UK regions during the past year.

Aurora首席执行官格伦达o斯通(Glenda Stone)表示,女性创业通常较为容易,因为她们之中有更多人呆在家中,或者做兼职工作。Aurora是一个由2万多女性创业者组成的网络。

Glenda Stone, chief executive of Aurora, a network of more than 20,000 female entrepreneurs, said it was often easier for women to start a business because more of them were based at home or worked part-time.


However, recent rises in interest rates and changes in the personnel policies that would see large companies trying to be more accommodating to working mothers would mean that fewer women chose to start up a business during 2007.


"I think people are a bit more nervous right now," she said.
