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2007年3月15日 虚拟空间的域名圈地行动


Cybersquatting is an old problem that has come back to haunt business in a new form.


Laws passed in 1999 were meant to stamp out the practice, whereby enterprising individuals would register trademarked names such as burgerking.com and virgin.com and sell them back to the trademark owners for extortionate sums.

然而,域名抢注行为并没有消失。安永实律师事务所(Eversheds)知识产权律师安东尼?戈尔德(Anthony Gold)表示,域名抢注者变得更加聪明,他们在寻找一些新的途径,以绕过法律规定。

Cybersquatting did not go away, however. Cybersquatters have just become smarter, says Anthony Gold, intellectual property lawyer at Eversheds, and are finding new ways to get around the laws.

例如,域名抢注者使用隐私服务,隐藏网站所有者的详细资料,以此掩饰他们的行踪。 For example, cybersquatters can cover their tracks by using privacy services that hide the details of who owns a website.


This makes suing them more complicated. In a lawsuit launched last August, Microsoft had to get court subpoenas to discover the owners of 217 websites it claimed were infringing its trademark.


Some are taking advantage of the sheer volume of new domain names on offer, as new “top-level domains” such as .mobi, .eu and .asia, come into existence alongside the old favourites .com and .net.

Addleshaw Goddard律师事务所知识产权律师大卫?恩格尔(David Engel)表示 “除.com和.net等普通顶级域名以外,还有240多个国家域名可供注册。即使只想注册自己的基本商标,一家大公司也很可能需要在全球注册3000至4000个域名。”

“There are more than 240 national registries in addition to the generic top-level domains such as .com and .net. Even if you want to register only your basic brands, a big company would easily have to register 3,000 to 4,000 domain names across the world,”said David Engel, intellectual property lawyer at Addleshaw Goddard.

各个公司越来越难监控所有可注册的域名种类。许多公司正求助英国NetNames等专业公司。NetNames向联合利华(Unilever)、英国航空(British Airways)和希尔顿集团(Hilton Group)等公司提供域名组合管理服务。

Companies are increasingly struggling to police all the domain name variants available. Many are turning to specialists such as UK-based NetNames, which offers domain portfolio management services to companies such as Unilever, British Airways and Hilton Group.


Going through the courts and even arbitration can be costly. Arbitration costs about £1,000-£2,000, ($1,900-$3,800), with a court case likely to cost as much as £10,000. Although some companies such as Sony, Virgin and Hilton Group have made a point of never paying to get back domain names, for others it is simpler and cheaper to pay up when cybersquatters are not asking for exorbitant sums.


Cybersquatters are turning to new tactics such as “typosquatting”, where they register a domain name that is a misspelling of a popular brand – such as hotmai.com or myspac.com. These pages get a lot of traffic from less than perfect typists.


Some typos present enough of a grey area to make them difficult to pursue the perpetrators through the courts.

例如,微软曾被迫与加拿大一个名叫迈克?罗(Mike Rowe)的学生达成庭外和解,这位学生注册了MikeRoweSoft.com作为自己的域名。

Microsoft was, for example, forced to settle a case with Canadian student Mike Rowe, who registered MikeRoweSoft.com as his domain name.


But the key reason the cybersquatting has made such as strong comeback recently is that “domaining” – buying, selling and making money from domain names – has become a very big business.


Most of this trade is perfectly legal. The names bought and sold are not subject to trademark, but generic names such as diamonds.com or sex.com.


But a lot of trademarked names are also getting caught in the frenzy.

由于谷歌(Google)的Adsense和Yahoo Publisher Network等广告程序的问世,任何互联网网页现在都能赚钱。网页所有者可以在他们的网页上放置广告,每当访问者点击一次广告,他们就可以得到一小笔收入。

Thanks to advertising programmes such as Google’s Adsense and the Yahoo Publisher Network, any internet page can now make money. Owners of web pages can place adverts on them and get paid small sums each time a visitor clicks on one of the ads.

对那些不愿自己建立广告的公司来说,Sedo.com和NameDrive.com等专业的“域名停放”(domain parking)公司可以帮它们做到这点,条件是从其收入中提取一定比例的费用。

For those unwilling to set up the advertisements themselves, specialist “domain parking” companies such as Sedo.com and NameDrive.com, can organise this for a share of revenues.


Names that cost just a few dollars to register can be resold for millions. Sex.com is reported to have been sold for $12m last year, with diamond.com going for $7.5m and vodka.com selling for $3m.


Companies such as Sedo.com offer Ebay-like auction sites for buying and selling these names, and a whole industry has developed around “dropcatching”, or getting hold of a popular name that has been allowed to lapse.


Domainers in turn feel that some companies unfairly bully them to relinquish names that should not be subject to trademark. Many feel arbitration proceedings favour large companies over individuals.


Microsof’s new rush of lawsuits may inflame this controversy further still
