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2007年3月29日 伦敦酒店冬季价格大幅上涨


Spending a night in a London hotel during the winter cost over a fifth more than it did the previous year, cementing the capital's reputation as one of the costliest cities to visit in the world.

根据年度酒店价格指数(Hotel Price Index),俄罗斯人是伦敦酒店最大的消费者,每晚平均花销为127英镑。英国人为100英镑,而爱尔兰游客为94英镑。德国游客在这方面相对节俭,他们在伦敦每晚住宿的平均消费为77英镑。

Russians were the biggest spenders in the capital, spending an average £127 a night on hotels, according to the annual Hotel Price Index. The British spend £100 a night, while Irish visitors splash out £94. German visitors are more parsimonious - their stays in London cost on average £77 a night.


A night's stay in London in the fourth quarter of 2006 averaged £107, a rise of 22 per cent on the same period last year, although Moscow tops the league with £172, followed by New York (£155) and Dubai (£124).


London hotels, however, were £7 cheaper on average than Bath, where luxury hotel trips are de rigueur, according to Hotels.com, the Expedia subsidiary, which bases the Hotel Price Index on prices at 20,000 hotels worldwide.


All other UK cities fall below the UK average of £98, but hotels in Aberdeen, Blackpool, Manchester, Glasgow and Coventry all pushed winter 2006 prices up by double-digit percentages compared to the 2005 season.


Globally, hotel prices rose 15 per cent year-on-year, reflecting the increasing demand for hotel rooms against a backdrop of undersupply. The trend is also represented in the rising share prices of hotel groups and their lengthening development pipelines.

Hotels.com的帕特里克o奥基维斯特(Patrik Oqvist)表示,冬季酒店价格上涨的另外一个原因,是"淡季城市旅游"的增多。美元贬值也吸引了欧洲旅游者购买更为便宜的商品。

One of the other factors over the winter was the rise in "off-peak season city-hopping", said Patrik Oqvist of Hotels.com. The weaker US dollar also lured European tourists for cheaper shopping.


Big price increases were noticeable in Cancún, Buenos Aires and Cairo, all rising 28 per cent year-on-year. Cancún, appealing as a winter holiday destination to both Americans and Europeans, is the fourth most expensive global city.


Mr Oqvist added that the difference between the top and bottom of the league was now wide enough to justify travellers choosing their holiday destinations on the grounds of hotel prices rather than the cost and availability of flights.


All the main regions experienced strong price growth. Europe was up 17 per cent year on year, Asia 12 per cent and the US 11 per cent. But Europe remains considerably cheaper than the US and Asia, the average price for a room in winter costing £82, compared with £110 for the US and £89 for Asia
