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2007年4月5日 智力竞赛奖品:赴英留学

角逐大学入学资格的过程,将是遭遇艾伦o休格(Alan Sugar)式款待的过程。印度一家电视台日前宣布,计划制作一档智力竞赛节目,其奖品就是英国顶尖大学的入学资格。

Applying to university is to get the Alan Sugar treatment under plans announced by an Indian television station to offer places at leading British universities as prizes in a quiz show.

这档节目集《学徒》(Apprentice)与《专业人员智力测验》(Mastermind)两种节目的风格于一身。雄心勃勃的印度学生将在节目中争夺8万英镑奖学金以及大学入学资格。 Part Apprentice, part Mastermind, the programme will see ambitious Indian school pupils fight it out for scholarships worth up to £80,000 and a university place.

由印度NDTV电视台制作的这档节目名为"Airtel Scholar Hunt:Destination UK",将有5家英国大学参加,每所学校为一位印度学生支付学费和生活费,让这名学生入读该校最热门的本科专业之一。

Five universities are taking part in Airtel Scholar Hunt: Destination UK, produced by NDTV, each one paying the tuition fees and living expenses for an Indian student to study one of their most popular courses at undergraduate level.


All competitors will be expected to have excellent examination results before they can so much as apply to compete.

比赛内容将包括一系列的测试,其中部分将制作成电视节目,包括与相关大学系主任的面试、小测验及其它任务,例如为那些竞争利兹大学管理学院(Leeds University Business School)管理系入学资格学生设计的商业游戏。

It will include a series of trials, parts of which will be televised, including interviews with the heads of the university departments concerned, quizzes and other tasks, such as business games for those competing for a place to read management at Leeds University Business School.

其他人将竞争谢菲尔德大学(Sheffield University)生物医学专业、米德塞斯大学(Middlesex University)计算机科学专业、卡地夫大学(Cardiff University)新闻与传媒专业、华威大学(Warwick University)工程学专业的入学资格。

Others will compete to study biomedical sciences at Sheffield University, computing science at Middlesex University, journalism and media at Cardiff University, and engineering at Warwick University.


The institutions can expect favourable coverage at exactly the time when vice-chancellors are looking towards India as the growth market for lucrative overseas students.


A spokesman for Warwick said the university expected the programme to be hugely popular among the sub-continent's burgeoning middle-classes
