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2007年4月6日 全球航空业运营利润迅速增长

国际航空运输协会(International Air Transport Association)的最新预测显示,由于航空运输量高于预期水平及运送能力得到谨慎控制,全球航空业运营利润正在迅速增长。

The operating profits of the world's airlines are rising rapidly, helped by better than expected traffic volumes and careful control of capacity, according to the latest forecasts by the International Air Transport Association.

但美国信用评级机构标准普尔(Standard & Poor's)的一份报告指出,由于美国航空业财政状况仍很糟糕,加之美国限制外资控股本国航空公司,有可能阻碍欧美航空业之间的整合。 However, a report by Standard & Poor's, the US credit rating agency, said the still poor financial health of the US airline industry, coupled with US limits on foreign ownership of airlines, was likely to hinder any consolidation of the aviation industry between Europe and the US.


The recently approved US/European Union "open skies" deal was, however, expected to provide support for a much-needed restructuring of the European airline industry.


Iata said yesterday that operating profits of the global airline industry were estimated to have jumped from $4.3bn in 2005 to $13bn (€9.7bn, £6.6bn) last year (excluding US restructuring costs).


It foresaw little change this year, with operating profits of $13.9bn, but forecast a big jump to profits of $19.9bn in 2008, supported by strengthening economic growth in the US and worldwide.

国际航空运输协会首席经济学家布赖恩o皮尔斯(Brian Pearce)表示,波音(Boeing)和空客(Airbus)交付的新飞机数量强劲上升,导致运能增加,但航空公司为应对油价高企,淘汰机型较老、耗油量较大的飞机,使这一增幅有所放缓。

Brian Pearce, Iata chief economist, said the increase in capacity with the strong rise in deliveries of new aircraft by Boeing and Airbus was being moderated by airlines taking older, less fuel-efficient aircraft out of service as they sought to deal with high oil prices.


At a net level including restructuring and interest costs, the airline industry is forecast by Iata to return to profit in 2007 for the first time since 2000, ending six successive years of losses.


Iata raised its forecast for 2007 net profits to $3.8bn from December's forecast of $2.5bn, up from a net loss of $500m in 2006. It forecast a doubling in net profits next year to $7.6bn. The higher net profit forecast for this year has come despite the slowdown in the US economy and the rise in oil prices back above $60 a barrel.

预计欧洲航空业将一马当先,2007年其净利润将达到24亿美元,而亚太地区航空业的净利润为17亿美元,北美航空业仍陷亏损,其净亏损达6亿美元。北美两家领先的航空运营商--达美航空(Delta Air Lines)和西北航空(Northwest Airlines)仍未结束破产重组工作。

The European industry is forecast to lead the way, with net profits of $2.4bn in 2007 compared with profits of $1.7bn in Asia-Pacific and a remaining net loss of $600m in North America, where two leading carriers, Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines, are yet to emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy restructuring.


Excluding restructuring costs, net profits in North America are forecast to total $4.4bn.


Iata warned that airline balance sheets remained "fragile". High fuel costs had prevented any accumulation of cash from the revenue boom of the past three years and carriers remained vulnerable to the sort of external shocks suffered during the past six years.


The global airline industry has suffered cumulative net losses of $42.1bn from 2001 to 2006.


In the past three years, it has recovered from the overlapping crises posed by economic weakness, terrorism, the war in Iraq and the Sars (severe acute respiratory syndrome) outbreak, and returned to operating profitability in 2004. It has remained in net loss until this year, however, under the burden of restructuring costs and high debt levels, particularly in the US airline industry.
