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2007年5月10日 4000点:中国上证综指再创纪录


The value of shares traded on the Chinese stock market on Wednesday was greater than the rest of Asia combined - including Japan - helping the benchmark index to breach the 4,000 mark for the first time.


Analysts said this was almost certainly the first time that turnover at the Chinese bourse has exceeded that of the rest of Asia.


The Shanghai stock exchange recorded Rmb255.3bn ($33.2bn) in turnover yesterday, while the smaller Shenzhen exchange saw Rmb121.6bn ($15.8bn) worth of shares change hands, bringing the combined total for the mainland Chinese market to $49bn - 21 per cent higher than the previous record set at the end of April.


As recently as March 30, trading volume on the two Chinese markets was a combined $16.4bn, while six months ago, in early November, it was only $5bn a day.


The huge increase is a result of revived retail interest in a market that has climbed 300 per cent in less than two years and continues to defy gravity, in spite of government moves to talk it down.


Wednesday's figure of $49bn was nearly double that of Japan's $26.9bn turnover yesterday, and the roughly $16.5bn combined trading volume in Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, India, Taiwan, Indonesia, New Zealand and Vietnam.


It was still less than half Tuesday's $122bn trading volume in the United States, but well above London's $29.4bn on Tuesday.


The huge jump in trading volume helped push the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index up 1.6 per cent to close at 4,013.09, less than two months after it passed the 3,000 mark.


The record turnover was all the more impressive given that day trading is not allowed in China.

巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)的分析师孟原(Isaac Meng)表示:"自从年初以来,进入市场的散户资金出现巨额增长,每天新开设的股票账户达到30万个。在未来几周,成交额肯定还会继续增长。"

"Since the start of the year we've seen a surge of retail money flow into the market, and with 300,000 stock accounts being opened every day we will definitely see turnover increase more in the coming weeks," said Isaac Meng, an analyst at BNP Paribas.


After such a sustained bull run even the most sober-minded are now saying the market can continue to rise in spite of prices that are more than 50 times earnings.
