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2007年5月23日 美石油巨擘哈里伯顿拟扩张中东业务


Halliburton, the oil services firm that is moving its corporate headquarters to Dubai, aims to achieve a 50-50 split between its business in the western hemisphere and the booming markets of the Middle East, Asia and Europe.

哈里伯顿首席执行官戴夫o勒萨(Dave Lesar)表示,该公司希望迅速扩大其中东业务。目前,哈里伯顿的大部分业务位于美国、加拿大和拉丁美洲。

Dave Lesar, chief executive, said the company, which does most of its business in the US, Canada and Latin America, hopes to expand quickly its Middle East operations.


It is targeting 60 contracts worth $80bn over the next five years, with 75 per cent of them coming from the "eastern hemisphere" - many of them from the Middle East.


Iraq could form part of that plan, said Mr Lesar, who earlier this week was in talks with companies considering developing Iraqi reserves.
