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2007年8月9日 中国博奇登陆东证主板首日大涨61%


作为首家登陆东京证交所(TSE)主板市场的中国企业,中国博奇环保科技(控股)有限公司(China Boqi Environmental Solutions Technology)股价在昨日的首个上市交易日中收盘上涨61%。

Shares in the first Chinese company to list on the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s main board yesterday closed 61 per cent higher on their first day of trading.


The strong debut by China Boqi Environmental Solutions Technologyis likely to encourage the Japanese government in its efforts to establish Tokyo as an international financial centre.


Tokyo is Asia’s biggest exchange by market capitalisation, but it has fallen far behind regional rivals in attracting foreign listings, especially from China.


Boqi, which makes anti-pollution devices, is the fourth mainland Chinese company to list in Japan and the only one to float on the TSE’s first section. Previous companies have listed on small-cap boards designed for start-up companies.


By comparison, more than 370 mainland Chinese companies are listed in Hong Kong, and 119 in Singapore.


Boqi shares closed at Y258,000 against a flotation price of Y160,000, and an intraday high of Y280,000, valuing the company at Y91.9bn ($774m). The exchange said Boqi made a profit of Y2bn in 2006 on sales of Y19bn.


Analysts expect other Chinese companies to follow Boqi in the next few months.

今年6月,东京证交所总裁齐藤惇(Atsushi Saito)在上任首日曾表示,在“各证交所激烈竞争”的背景下,东京证交所“应不惜任何代价拓宽产品范围”。

On his first day as TSE president in June, Atsushi Saito said the exchange “should expand its product line-up at any cost”, against a backdrop of “fierce competition among stock exchanges”.


Boqi’s listing means there are now 26 foreign companies listed in Tokyo, compared with 1991’s peak of 127. Just five have joined the TSE in the past six years
