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2007年8月30日 投资银行去印度淘金

在亚洲新兴经济体中,印度首次成为对美林(Merrill Lynch)收入贡献最大的国家,突显出该国对全球投资银行的重要性日益增加。

India has for the first time become the biggest revenue contributor among Asia's emerging economies for Merrill Lynch, highlighting the country's increasing importance for global investment banks.

DSP美林(DSP Merrill Lynch)负责投行及并购业务的副董事长兼董事总经理帕特丽夏o麦克劳林(Patricia McLaughlin)表示,这一趋势的推动因素是,今年印度出现了一波创纪录的股票发行和大型并购交易浪潮,而且,美林也加大了在该国的股本投资。麦克劳林向英国《金融时报》表示:"在收入方面,印度对美林的重要性在增加;不仅从亚洲地区看是如此,在全球亦是如此。"

The trend was driven by a record flow of share offerings and large mergers and acquisitions in India this year, coupled with increasing principal investment by the bank, said Patricia McLaughlin, vice-chairman and managing director, investment banking and M&A at DSP Merrill Lynch. "India has become relevant to Merrill Lynch in revenue terms; not only regionally but globally," Ms McLaughlin told the Financial Times.


Global investment banks have been rushing to consolidate their presence in India during the past few years to take advantage of a rapidly growing economy, booming stock market and a corporate sector increasingly seeking to expand overseas.


Indian M&A volumes this year reached $63.9bn, more than double that of the same period the previous year, by the estimate of Dealogic, the data company.


That has been coupled to a surge in new share issuance, with the top 10 investment bank bookrunners underwriting $23.3bn of share sales in India in the year to date; more than twice the amount a year earlier.


While recent market turmoil could dampen the climate for the remainder of the year, the figures are a qualitative improvement on five years ago, when Indian companies sold only $603m of shares.


Merrill Lynch did not provide figures for its Indian revenues but said they were larger than those for other markets in Asia excluding Japan and Australia.


Ms McLaughlin highlighted a spate of share issues this year in which two Indian property companies, two banks and a mining firm raised a total of $10bn during a five week period in June and July.


"This is something remarkable given where India has come from and also in an Asian context," Ms McLaughlin said.


The offerings put Merrill at the top of the league tables for equities in India in the year-to-date, according to Dealogic, while UBS led on M&A and Citigroup on debt issuance.


Merrill bought a controlling stake from its local partner in their joint venture, DSP Merrill Lynch, in 2005 for $500m - a record transaction at the time.

此后,高盛(Goldman Sachs)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)也陆续与当地的合作伙伴分家。

Since then, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have also separated from their domestic partners.


The transactions were aimed at allowing the foreign banks to bring more of their own capital into India.

