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2007年9月17日 格林斯潘警告:美国房价可能大幅下跌

美联储前主席艾伦?格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)日前在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,美国房价可能较现有水平大幅下跌,这是他首次承认美国住宅市场存在泡沫。

House prices in the US are likely to fall significantly from their present levels, Alan Greenspan has told the Financial Times, admitting for the first time that there was a bubble in the US housing market.


In an interview ahead of the release today of his memoirs, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve said the decline in house prices “is going to be larger than most people expect”.


But Mr Greenspan said that his successors at the Fed – who meet tomorrow to set interest rates – would have to be careful not to ease rates too aggressively, because the risk of an “inflationary resurgence” was greater now than when he was Fed chief.


Mr Greenspan said he would expect “as a minimum, large single-digit” percentage declines in US house prices from peak to trough and added that he would not be surprised if the fall was “in double digits”.


Mr Greenspan said house prices were probably already down about 2-3 per cent from their peak on a national level.


However, he cautioned that it was very difficult to predict how large the ultimate decline would be.

在担任美联储主席期间,格林斯潘曾谈到住宅市场的“浮沫”(froth),但从未表示住宅市场整体存在泡沫。他的继任者本?伯南克(Ben Bernanke)也避免使用“泡沫”这个词。

As Fed chairman, Mr Greenspan had talked about “froth” in the housing sector, but never said there was a bubble in the market as a whole. His successor Ben Bernanke has also avoided the word “bubble”.


However, Mr Greenspan told the FT that froth “was a euphemism for a bubble”. He said he still thought froth – a collection of bubbles – was a better description, because of the variation in house price appreciation in different local housing markets. But he said “all the froth bubbles add up to an aggregate bubble”.


The former chairman said the current turmoil in financial markets was ”an accident waiting to happen”.


He said the price of risk had fallen to unsustainably low levels beforehand, with investors addicted to asset-backed securities that offered some additional yield over Treasury bonds as if they were ”cocaine”.
