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2007年9月19日 美联储大幅降息至4.75%

美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)昨日降息50个基点,这一激进举措旨在避免经济增长大幅放缓的风险,而增长放缓可能导致经济衰退。

The US Federal Reserve cut interest rates by 50 basis points yesterday, in an aggressive move designed to head off the risk of a sharp slowdown in economic growth that could culminate in recession.


The deeper-than-expected cut to 4.75 per cent followed weeks of turmoil in financial markets and mounting investor concern over the economic fallout from problems arising from the US subprime mortgage industry.

上述举措表明,美联储主席本?伯南克(Ben Bernanke)顶住了美联储内部一些高级官员的反对,他们担心大幅降息可能会刺激通胀。

The move suggests Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve chairman, overcame internal resistance from some central bankers concerned about the risk of stimulating inflation by cutting rates sharply.

此前一些主要高管呼吁美联储采取果断行动。RBS宾Greenwich Capital分析师艾伦?拉斯金(Alan Ruskin)表示,此次降息的幅度表明,在美国经济前景方面存在一定程度的“恐慌”。

It follows a call from leading executives for a decisive action by the Fed. The extent of the cut suggested a degree of “panic” over the outlook for the US economy, Alan Ruskin, an analyst at RBS Greenwich Capital said.

此次降息之际,适逢雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)发布第三季度业绩。该公司当季业绩好于预期水平,同时表示相信此番动荡中最糟糕的时期已经过去,这缓解了投资者对于当前信贷紧缩对投行业绩影响的担忧。

The move came as Lehman Brothers yesterday helped ease investor concern about the effect of the current credit squeeze on investment bank earnings when it reported third-quarter results that were better than expected and signalled its belief that the worst of the turmoil was over.


Lehman shares, down about 30 per cent since February, rose 3 per cent in midday trade to $60.51 even though the bank suffered a $700m fall in fixed-income revenues as a result of losses from the US subprime mortgage crisis.


The news cheered Wall Street, which was closely watching bank earnings this quarter for signs that the credit squeeze had brought an end to the recent run of bumper profits. The S&P 500 jumped 11 points, or about 1 per cent, to 1487.51 on the news before the Fed action, while other brokerage shares were also higher.


Lehman said it earned $887m, or $1.54 a share, in the third quarter, down 3 per cent from $916m, or $1.57 a share, last year. Analysts had forecast that Lehman would earn $1.47 per share.

该公司首席财务官克里斯?奥米拉(Chris O’Meara)表示,信贷状况正缓慢地恢复正常。他表示:“最糟糕的时期已经过去。”

Chris O’Meara, chief financial officer, suggested credit conditions were slowly returning to normal. “The worst is behind us,” he said.
