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2007年10月10日 经合组织敦促印度加快改革


India must push through further reforms if it is to achieve the government’s objective of double-digit economic growth by 2011, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development warned yesterday.


In its first economic survey of India, the Paris-based think-tank said the country’s gradual shift away towards a more market-based economy had yielded undeniable benefits.


India’s economic growth per capita was now rising by 7.5 per cent annually versus the 1.25 per cent seen between 1950 and 1980. The faster growth, the OECD said, had resulted in India becoming the third-largest economy in the world in 2006 in purchasing power parity terms behind only the US and China and slightly ahead of Japan.


But it warned India was not fully exploiting its comparative advantage as a labour-abundant economy because of high levels of employment protection that deterred companies from hiring workers for large-scale manufacturers.


Employment in companies with more than 10 employees accounts for 3.75 per cent of employment in India, a much smaller proportion than any OECD country. India has stricter job protection laws than China, Brazil and all but two OECD countries.

经合组织呼应了要求改革《工业争端法》(Industrial Disputes Act)的长期呼声。该法要求,如果制造工厂雇佣超过100名工人,那么,哪怕企业只解雇1名工人,也要获得政府批准。

It echoed longstanding calls for reform of the Industrial Disputes Act that requires businesses to obtain government permission to lay off even a single worker from manufacturing plants with more than 100 employees.


“Reduction in the stringency of employment protection is needed and could be balanced by an increase in the extent of accrual-based severance payments,” it said. Reform would help shift rural labour to productive areas.

It also urged the government to open the economy more rapidly to international trade and to foreign direct investment in tightly protected service sectors, such as insurance and retailing.

小商人经常举行示威活动,抗议信实工业(Reliance Industries)等大型企业进入印度支离破碎的零售业。信实工业计划投资50亿-70亿美元,建立一个从农场到消费者的供应链。

Small traders have been holding regular protests against the inroads being made into the fragmented retail sector by big business houses such as Reliance Industries, which plans a $5bn-7bn investment in a farm-to-fork supply chain.

