2007年11月2日 日本撤回阿富汗行动燃料补给船
日本昨天下令其海军燃料补给船驶离印度洋,从而结束了长达6年向美国领导的阿富汗军事行动免费供应石油的行动。 Japan yesterday ordered its naval refuelling vessels to leave the Indian Ocean, ending six years of operations to supply free oil for US-led military operations in Afghanistan. The end of the mission, which came in spite of strong objections from Washington and Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic party, shows the extent to which the altered political situation in Tokyo is crippling policy formation. Yasuo Fukuda, who became prime minister in September, was unable to extend emergency anti-terror legislation because the upper house is now controlled by the Democratic Party of Japan, which opposes the mission. Mr Fukuda said yesterday that his government would “make our strongest effort to enact new legislation soon so that we can resume refuelling”.