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2007年12月10日 高盛募集20亿美元投资亚洲房地产


高盛(Goldman Sachs)募集了20亿美元准备用于亚洲房地产投资,此举可能会加剧对中国和印度等高速增长市场资产的竞争。

Goldman Sachs has amassed $2bn to use for property investments in Asia, a move likely to intensify competition for assets in fast-growing markets such as China and India.


The bank has been a prominent investor in Japanese property for a decade, but has decided to allocate significant resources to real estate opportunities across the region.

与之竞争的投资银行——尤其是摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),近来已加大了在日本以外亚洲地区的此类投资力度,并筹集了创纪录水平的资金,目标是一些增长迅速的市场。

Rival investment banks – Morgan Stanley in particular – have recently stepped up such investments in Asia outside Japan and raised record funds to target fast-growing markets.


Goldman plans to invest across Asia’s real estate asset classes, including direct purchases of buildings, in development opportunities and by taking equity stakes in listed property companies. If invested, the $2bn would – by some measures – triple the bank’s equity committed to Asia.

此笔资金并不包括杠杆融资,将直接来自于高盛的资产负债表及其管理下的房地产私人股本基金。 The capital, which excludes leverage, will be supplied from the bank’s balance sheet and from real estate private equity funds managed by Goldman.

高盛的发展中市场房地产基金(Developming Markets Real Estate Fund)于10月结束筹资,共筹集21亿美元的资金——预计其中约三分之二将用于亚洲。高盛还将通过白厅房地产基金为投资融资。

Goldman’s Developing Markets Real Estate fund closed in October, raising $2.1bn – about two-thirds of which is expected to be spent in Asia. The bank will also fund investments through its Whitehall real estate vehicle.


Goldman is assigning four managing directors to India and China, to be based in Hong Kong, Singapore and Mumbai, as part of its expansion in the sector.

争夺亚洲房地产的竞争极其激烈,推动了估值的快速上升。这引发一些分析师们发出警告,称印度等国即将发生价格回落。对冲基金也大量涌进亚洲,它们在流向股市之前就已对各家房地产公司进行了投资。 Competition for real estate assets in Asia is extreme and has pushed up valuations, leading some analysts to warn of imminent price corrections in countries such as India. Hedge funds have also poured in to Asia, in?vesting in real estate companies before?they?join the stock market.

不过,高盛的发展中市场全球房地产业务主管让?德?布塔莱斯(Jean De Pourtales)表示:“房地产市场的估值(较高)是一个全球问题。像印度这样的国家,其吸引力在于它仍有巨大的长期增长前景。”

However, Jean De Pourtales, Goldman’s real estate global head of developing markets, said: “The [high] valuations in real estate markets are a worldwide issue. The attraction of a country such as India is that it still has tremendous long-term growth prospects.”


He added that China and south-east Asia would also be a focus for his team.

同时,各投资银行也在物色员工,以满足亚洲房地产客户在融资和并购咨询服务方面的需求。高盛去年就从瑞银亚洲(UBS Asia)挖来了一个房地产投行团队。

Investment banks are also seeking staff to service demand from Asian clients in the property sector for advice on raising capital and mergers and acquisitions. Goldman last year poached a team of real estate investment bankers from UBS Asia.
