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2008年1月8日 纳斯达克CEO:交易所面临电子交易商竞争

2023-12-06 15:02:18 7

纳斯达克(Nasdaq)首席执行官鲍勃?格雷菲尔德(Bob Greifeld)日前预测,尽管全球证券交易所行业的大型参与者试图整合该行业,但业内将继续分化。

The global stock exchange industry will see continued fragmentation in spite of attempts to consolidate it by large sector participants, the head of the Nasdaq Stock Market has forecast.


Bob Greifeld said more and more “exchange-like” institutions will emerge in the coming months and years, adding competition to the business. “Recent regulatory changes essentially allow electronic communications networks and other smaller players to compete,” he told the Financial Times.

他指出,所谓的“暗流动性池”( dark liquidity pools)——投资者在公开市场以外进行交易——等非传统竞争渠道正日益受到青睐,这表明,尽管交易所行业出现了大量合并案,但分化仍在加剧。

He pointed to the growing popularity of non-traditional sources of competition such as so-called “dark liquidity pools” – where investors trade outside the public markets – as evidence that in spite of a spate of exchange mergers, fragmentation was increasing.
