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2008年1月15日 亚开行行长:今年亚洲经济增长或将放缓


亚洲开发银行(ADB)行长黑田东彦(Haruhiko Kuroda)昨日表示,由于美国经济放缓和油价上涨,今年亚洲发展中经济体的增长可能放缓。

Growth in Asia’s developing economies is likely to slacken this year because of the US slowdown and higher fuel prices, the president of the Asian Development Bank said yesterday.


Haruhiko Kuroda told the Financial Times that the ADB’s next set of forecasts, due to be published in March, would put regional growth – including China but excluding Japan – at “slightly less’’ than 8 per cent.


This compares with a forecast of 8.2 per cent in September, when the Asian lender raised its forecast for 2008 from 7.7 per cent and predicted that the region would weather any slowdown generated by the credit squeeze because of its reduced reliance on international lending.


The ADB’s growing pessimism about the regional economy confirms that it has rejected the theory that emerged last year that Asian economies had “decoupled” from the rest of the world and could continue growing even in the face of a US recession.

黑田东彦发出上述警告之际,高盛(Goldman Sachs)将其对亚洲地区的增长预测从8.6%下调至8.3%。

Mr Kuroda’s warning came as Goldman Sachs lowered its growth forecast for the region to 8.3 per cent from 8.6 percent.


The bank described the cut as “meaningful but not disastrous”, indicating that a fall in western demand for Asian manufactured goods was unlikely to have big consequences for markets.


However, Mr Kuroda said rising Asian inflation would be “a really serious issue this year”, which governments would have to confront by eliminating or reducing domestic subsidies, in particular for fuel after oil briefly breached $100 a barrel earlier this month.


Mr Kuroda would not comment on specific countries but he said subsidy arrangements were “unsustainable’’ in the longer term, even if many Asian governments might use their “fairly sound fiscal position” to delay further reform.

近来,通胀加剧已在亚洲引发普遍反应,例如从越南的工厂罢工,到中国一些超市促销引发的踩踏事件等。 Higher inflation has recently triggered popular reaction in Asia ranging from factory strikes in Vietnam to stampedes for discounted items at some Chinese supermarkets.


Goldman Sachs also argued yesterday that the impact of weakening American demand would be exacerbated by the fact that “Japan is also teetering on the edge of recession’’.


However, Mr Kuroda said his country would emerge from its economic difficulties. He predicted Japanese growth this year of about 2 per cent thanks to a pick-up in the second half.
