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2008年2月4日 印度国家银行在新加坡拓展国际业务


印度最大的金融机构印度国家银行(State Bank of India)预计,新加坡将批准颁发给该行一张银行业牌照,使其可以在岛国新加坡运营至多25个网点,其中包括零售分支机构和自动取款机(ATM)。

State Bank of India, the country’s largest financial institution, expects to receive approval from Singapore for a banking licence that will allow it to operate up to 25 outlets in the island state, including retail branches and ATMs.


The move is part of a push by the state-controlled group to boost its international revenues, which account for about 10 per cent of its topline, as it seeks to take its place among the region’s biggest financial institutions.

印度国家银行董事长奥姆?普拉卡什?巴特(Om Prakash Bhatt)表示:“我们全球业务目前的增长速度高于国内业务。因此我们希望自己能够在未来10年中使该项业务(在总体业务中所占比例)翻番。”

“Our global business is growing at a greater pace than our domestic business. So we’re hoping we should be able to double it [as a percentage of the total business] in the next 10 years,” said SBI chairman Om Prakash Bhatt.


India is keen to expand its banking system to help support its economic growth, which is the second fastest after China among Asia’s large countries. Unlike China, its financial system is still small relative to the economy and its banks are dwarfed by many of their international peers, in spite of their vast potential market in India and overseas.


Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China’s largest bank, has a market capitalisation of about $55bn compared with SBI’s $30bn.
