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2008年2月21日 中国移动将在伦敦设立海外扩张桥头堡


全球最大的移动电话运营商中国移动(China Mobile)正考虑在欧洲进行扩张。

China Mobile, the world’s largest mobile phone operator, is weighing up an expansion in Europe.


The group, which opens its European, Middle Eastern and African headquarters in London today, aims to sell to Chinese overseas and is considering its options.

非洲和中东的新兴市场是该公司今年的首要目标,中国移动正考虑在欧洲建立一个虚拟移动网络。 Emerging markets in Africa and the Middle East are priorities for this year, and the company is considering setting up a virtual mobile network in Europe.

中国移动英国代表处(China Mobile UK)首席代表Henry Ge表示,中国移动将重点关注三个领域:新兴市场;希望与祖国保持联系的海外华人客户;以及“短期访问市场”,其中包括商务旅行客户和数量日益增长的中国游客。

Henry Ge, chief representative of China Mobile UK, said his group would focus on three areas: emerging markets; overseas Chinese customers wanting to keep in touch with home; and “the short-term visiting market”, which included travelling business customers and the growing number of Chinese tourists.


China Mobile’s move into emerging markets in central and Eastern Europe, as well as the Middle East, could pit it against western operators such as Vodafone and Telefónica. Vodafone owns a 3.3 per cent stake in China Mobile.


China Mobile’s expansion is part of the Beijing government’s “go global” policy of encouraging Chinese companies to invest abroad.


Just as European operators are investing in emerging markets, Chinese telecoms companies are looking to do the same outside their home territory.

中国第二大固话运营商中国网通(China Netcom)去年11月份在伦敦开设了其欧洲总部。

China Netcom, the country’s second-largest fixed-line telephone company, opened a European headquarters in London last November.

Henry Ge承认,中国移动试图实现有机增长的努力可能进展缓慢,需要耗时多达5年。事实上,他希望与具备管理强大网络能力的合作伙伴进行合作。

Mr Ge admitted China Mobile’s attempts to grow organically could be slow and take up to five years. Instead, he was looking to co-operate with partners with the ability to manage a robust network.


He added that China Mobile did not need to buy a domestic company to obtain a licence for the UK.


China Mobile is keen to expand beyond its borders as it faces the prospect of increased competition at home.


Beijing is considering a far-reaching restructuring of China’s state-controlled telcos in the face of concerns over China Mobile’s overwhelming domestic dominance – it has a 70 per cent market share and 369m customers.
