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2008年3月4日 中国太平洋保险重启香港IPO


中国第三大保险商太平洋保险(China Pacific Insurance)将重启推迟的香港上市计划。零食生产商中国旺旺(Want Want China)也计划于本月在港上市,这一迹象表明,香港股市正从年初时的低迷状态中复苏。

China Pacific, the country’s third largest insurer, is reviving its delayed Hong Kong stock listing. Want Want China, a snack maker, also plans to sell shares in the territory this month, in a sign that the Hong Kong equity market is recovering from a slow start to the year.

上述两项拟议中的发行可能筹集总计至多52亿美元的资金。此前,中国铁建(China Railway Construction)计划本月通过沪、港两地的同步上市筹资至多54亿美元。

The two proposed listings, which could raise as much as $5.2bn together, come on the heels of China Railway Construction’s plans to raise up to $5.4bn through a dual listing in Shanghai and Hong Kong this month.


Investors had hoped that Hong Kong would not be hurt by the bearish sentiments in western equity markets and repeat last year’s strong performance, when more than 80 companies listed there and raised about $36bn in total.


Turbulence in global financial markets and concerns about a US slowdown have, however, taken their toll in the territory, where the benchmark Hang Seng index has fallen more than 14 per cent since the start of the year.

汤姆森金融(Thomson Financial)称,今年只有两家公司在香港进行首次公开发行(IPO),筹资4.233亿美元。

Only two companies have launched IPOs in Hong Kong this year, raising $423.3m, according to Thomson Financial.


This has made Hong Kong a smaller listing destination than Shanghai and Shenzhen in terms of amount of funds raised. According to people familiar with the offer, China Pacific, which in January postponed its Hong Kong offer, could raise about $3.8bn in a listing this month or early next month.

凯雷集团(Carlyle Group)持有持有太平洋保险的部分股权,太平洋保险已于昨日启动发行前的推介工作。

The company, in which the Carlyle Group has a stake, began the pre-marketing of the offering yesterday.


When the company launched its $4.1bn IPO in Shanghai last December, it said it would not price its H shares cheaper than the A shares, which were sold at Rmb30 each.

上市以来,太平洋保险A股价格上涨20.6%,昨日达到了36.19元人民币。负责处理其香港上市的瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)、瑞银(UBS)和中国国际金融有限公司(China International Capital Corp.,简称中金公司)均拒绝置评。

The A shares have since risen 20.6 per cent to reach Rmb36.19 yesterday. Credit Suisse, UBS and China International Capital Corp, which are handling the Hong Kong listing, declined to comment.
