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2008年3月10日 法国液化空气公司拟将年收入提高一倍


法国液化空气公司(Air Liquide)宣布了若干项大胆的计划,目标是在2012年之前将公司气体业务年收入提高一倍,至200亿欧元(合310亿美元)。该公司是全球工业气体行业中规模最大的两家企业之一。

Air Liquide, the French company that is one of the two biggest in the industrial gases industry, has announced bold plans to double its annual gas revenues to about €20bn ($31bn) by 2012.


The company intends to spend about €10bn on new gas plants in the next five years, about 70 per cent more than between 2002 and 2007, and with much of it going into emerging economies such as China, India and the Middle East.


Shipments of industrial gases – including “commodities” such as carbon dioxide or ammonia but also xenon or krypton – add up to a bellwether of activity because they are key feedstocks for a range of processes in refining and manufacturing.

液化空气首席执行官博天(Beno?t Potier)表示,依照他的预想,到2010年初,公司员工总数将从目前的4万名增至6.5万名。

Beno?t Potier, Air Liquide’s chief executive, says his vision extends to the company employing about 65,000 people by early next decade, up from 40,000.


Mr Potier admits his plans for growth are out of kilter with the gloomy prognostications from many economists – linked to the credit crunch and problems affecting the banking sector – about the short-term economic outlook.


However, he thinks his projections about the potential for Air Liquide are on solid ground, because of the strong industrial growth that he expects in the next five years from many emerging economies.


Mr Potier is particularly upbeat about China, where sales are expanding at 20 per cent a year, to feed into expanding industries such as steel and oil refining. “We now have 1,600 employees in China but this could easily go up to 5,000 over the next five years.”


He says in 2008 alone Air Liquide wants to recruit 500-1,000 people in China. “It is a paradox that at a time when many people are talking about a recession we are desperate to take on new employees.”
